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  1. bighairydog

    Repent for being a Mac user!!

    OK, devils advocate here. I just thought of quite a good reason not to criticise those who believe in god. Conciousness is an untestable hypothesis. I know I am concious, because conciousness is defined as an awareness of your own mental processes, and I have that. However, there is...
  2. bighairydog

    Repent for being a Mac user!!

    When in doubt, recall words from the atricle (or copy/paste from a quotation in this thread), put it into google, and get their cached copy. No images, but the words are all here. Bernie :o)
  3. bighairydog

    Repent for being a Mac user!!

    Firstly, welcome into the ring Madhatter. OK, well given the 'defending of beliefs' stance taken by believers on this board, I'm adopting a defence of mine.     True, but no integral sets out to. Whilst I accept that sentence was intended in jest, so I won't hold it to be...
  4. bighairydog

    Wish me luck!

    It's a susceptible - infected - recovered model. Susceptible = New Windows user Infected = Gets virus Recovered = Buys a Mac Yes! you can... Unfortunately, 'R' - the coefficient of recovery, is in our case too small, because of the constant 'St' (stupidity) omitted from this model. To...
  5. bighairydog

    Wish me luck!

    OK, the countdown begins... In ten days time I sit my final exams - 3 years of learning into 3 days of writing :eek:. As I begin to panic more, you will probably see none of me, or possibly more if I feel the need to procrastinate in the run-up ;o) Until then, have a nice time, and...
  6. bighairydog

    What makes an iDVD DVD incompatible?

    Perhaps they can't take any burned DVDs, just like some CD players can't take CD-RWs? Bernie :o)
  7. bighairydog

    About Mpeg2

    Try posting this in the softare forum. You'll probably get more success there. Bernie :o)
  8. bighairydog

    The new me...

    I agree with everyone else - the avatar is the visual shortcut to personality. In a month or two I'd probably get used to it, but with the old avatar, it was like a wax seal on communications - we knew who it came from. Now with this rendez-vous thang, I find myself (silly I know) not trusting...
  9. bighairydog

    2.53GHz Pentium

    OK, so the MHz Myth failed as a selling point, how about this: Intel can make a 50 Terahertz PXVII tomorrow for al I care. In fact, I might just get one to play Halo on. However, I think not many of us bought Macs for the speed – quite the opposite. In the end, productivity is defined by how...
  10. bighairydog

    Repent for being a Mac user!!

    You've half sussed me scruffy. But although I was sent from beyond this earth by a biblical being, it wasn't Jesus. proof. ;o) Bernie :o)
  11. bighairydog

    2.53GHz Pentium

    Ah, but Dual 2.5GHz boxes will not be so easy to come by. A Dual 1 GHz G4 still wipes a pentium off the field. And My XP box at work today crashed and forgot what a printer is. Uurgh... Still, I'm with you - G5s ASAP would be real nice. Even a G4 with a faster bus would be a bonus. Bernie...
  12. bighairydog

    ??? What about this: iChat already exists!

    Apple calling a product 'iSomething' is just as if they called it 'Something', because of their naming scheme. Also, I suspect they purchased a lisence to use the name. Apple are Fascists with Copyright law, so I doubt they'd screw up like this. Bernie :o)
  13. bighairydog

    Repent for being a Mac user!!

    They do? Well I've learned that the answer to any religious question is "Because of the love of the lord our saviour Jesus Christ", so I'm tendering that as an answer. How'd I do? Dawg :o) (nope, doesn't work. I'll stick to my real name for now. Bernie :o)
  14. bighairydog

    Repent for being a Mac user!!

    I once knew somebody who called me dog, but then again he did prefix every sentence with "Yo", so I wouldn't go down that line. Come to think of it, I have no idea why I ever thought of the name bighairydog - it was a school thing years ago. I would change my ID to 'Bernie', but that...
  15. bighairydog

    Repent for being a Mac user!!

    Glad you liked it :) BTW, anybody who's not trying to sell me insurance can call me Bernie Bernie :o)
  16. bighairydog

    Repent for being a Mac user!!

    OK - totally off topic here, but remember back on page 2 when fryke posted this OK, 36497 words later - Damn that is the best bit of downloaded text I have ever read. Witty, so true, and a really good advocation of freedom and sensibility.Even if it did take me 3 weeks to read... Cheers...
  17. bighairydog

    Porting Minesweeper to OSX advice

    Of course... I love freewqrae games as much as the next guy ;o) And you can guess what site's members will be the first to be offered it. Bernie :o)
  18. bighairydog

    Repent for being a Mac user!!

    Glad we got that one straightened out :o)
  19. bighairydog

    A note to friends...

    I propose you had every forum open on a 'new post' / 'reply to post' page, typed your messages without submitting them, and went through them sequentially submitting before quickly refreshing the forum list page to get your screenshot. Am I wrong ? ;o) Bernie :o)
  20. bighairydog

    Porting Minesweeper to OSX advice

    True, but in the process of learning how to code Java-cocoa apps, I will learn how to make pure Java apps. Also, what you said isn't strictly true - I assume it's possible to confine all calls to cocoa wrapper classes into a seperate class, and conditionally use that when the app is running...