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  1. M

    New iTV (Not final name)

    The question for me isn't whether or not iTv supports HD (it clearly seems to). The question is where the heck do I get HD source video since iTunes doesn't supply it. And if I get HD from my cable/antenna and/or a Blu Ray disc, I don't need an iTv. I'm definitely getting an iTv because I...
  2. M

    iTunes 7

    I'll chime in just to temper the negative vibe. I find the icon change irrelevant and minor and have no idea why people are so obsessed with it. The overall look of iTunes is also only minorly revised and basically looks and works as it always has, which its a good thing. Cover Flow is...
  3. M

    New iTV (Not final name)

    Does anyone know the deal with the 640x480 resolution in terms of the widescreen format. I see they have widescreen formatted movies (Gone in 60 secs) as well as 4:3 (Good Will Hunting). So what is going on there in terms of resolution? Are they cropping the widescreen version or are they...
  4. M

    New iTV (Not final name)

    True, the specs for SD may indicate something better, but we all know that in reality American (digital) SD is a horrific mpeg-2 transmission, which won't hold up nearly as well as h264 or even a nicely compressed mpeg4. I watched last season of Lost on my 20" iMAc (dragged it into the...
  5. M

    New iTV (Not final name)

    Ok, right about the HDMI, but where is Apple expecting you to get HD video (720P or better) to run through the iTV? (Since iTunes won't get it to you). Or maybe they're just planning ahead.
  6. M

    Movies on iTunes?

    This definitely isn't the be-all end-all of movie downloads, but it's a good first step. I'm sure Apple's hands were tied on many levels with Hollywood. And other issues may just be more technical. But where this neds to be in a few years is 1080P downloads for $9.99 (new or old) with a...
  7. M

    New iTV (Not final name) $299
  8. M

    New iTV (Not final name)

    Well they've guaranteed a sell to me. I'm just now in the HDTV market and this will work perfectly. My only complaint from today's announcements are that 640x480 isn't going to cut it in the long run. It's fine to start out with and will still look quite good at a distance, but 1080P is the...
  9. M

    24" iMac memory config

    I notice the 24" iMac (and some other configs of the new iMacs) support 3 GB of RAM. I'm confused by this. There are two RAM slots as I understand it. So one slot holds 1 GB and the other holds 2GB? Why can't they both hold 2 GB for 4 GB total? I was just online to order a 24", but I...
  10. M

    Worldwide Battery recall?

    And this places YES, there's a recall…
  11. M

    Worldwide Battery recall?

    FWIW--This place says no recall…
  12. M

    iMac Refreshment in Sept. 2006

    That's a really cool service they've done there. Thanks for the link. What they should also factor in are upcoming expos, which is always a big red flag.
  13. M

    Two Apple Remotes Confusion

    That did it. Thanks!
  14. M

    Two Apple Remotes Confusion

    I've got two Apple remotes. One with my iMac and one for the iPod Hifi. I've now got them in the same room and would like to have one remote just for the iMac and the other just for the Hifi. Right now either one controls either device. I of course threw away the documentation, so I can't...
  15. M

    Wireless Mighty Mouse

    That's excellent. Unfortunately, they didn't resolve the MM's achille's heel (for me), which is the horrible "squeeze" mode, which is ergonomically uncomfortable and nowhere near as quick as a dedicated side click button. Shame, cuz I love the scrolly ball.
  16. M

    Intel mac 20'' for graphic design?

    I have a 20" IntelMac and several G4s/G5s. For me, I would not want to have to work in the CS suite all day on the iMac right now. I do a lot of design for a living, so I've got the right perspective I believe. It's not horrible, but the speed hit gets old on large files and bigger projects. I...