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  1. ulrik

    Picture of your setup

    ..and finally the "oven" array
  2. ulrik

    Picture of your setup

    I finally made my dream come true: a three display setup for my quicksilver (I love the Radon 7000 PCI) consisting of a Cinema Display and two 17'' Displays (though the left display is shared with the SGI VW 540 which will get it's own SGI1600W soon) All my systems stand on the floor since I...
  3. ulrik

    Is Mac hardware really that slow?

    When you build it for raw power, yes, it will be. Currently, there is nothing to beat an overclocked Dual Athlon MP 2200 with a high quality motherboard. Even some high end workstation owners switch to similar setups since you get insane performance for your money. These machines even...
  4. ulrik

    For Ed... getting rid of trolls...

    I have to disagree to some extent. A forum is a place where you discuss different topics and opinions. If, in a bar, for example, somebody just walks from table to table, sits down and says "You suck, you suck, and you too", stands up and goes to the next table, he might not live long...
  5. ulrik


    You are not, but you should consider some things: Movie capabilities require a completely redesign of the iPods internals. The current processor and especially the RAM which would drive the buffer of the display could not take the stress of even one MPEG artefact, not to mention a whole movie...
  6. ulrik

    Test your real-world machine speed...

    It depends on what feature of the graphics board you want to benchmark. For simple, 2D, non open-gl performance, use the skidmarks which come with the Apple Developer Toolkit. If you want to benchmark pixel, texel, polygon and shader fillrates, download the trail of Cinema4D and the benchmark...
  7. ulrik

    New chip?? Clear me out on that one

    Uhm...I have three Quad SGIs. An old Onyx RE2 QUad R6k, An Onyx2 IR3 Deskside with Quad R10K at work and an Visual Workstation 540 with Quad XEON 500. The Workstation line (currently O2+, Octane2 and Fuel) does not offer a Quad setup since it wouldn't make sense in SGI workstation machines...
  8. ulrik


    I only know how it works now. At the moment, I have one internal optical drive (Superdrive) and two external (a CD-RW and a DVD-ROM) in a SCSI tower. When I hit the eject key, all three open (no joke). It kinda sucks, especially when you are doing a copyjob from one optical drive to...
  9. ulrik

    Should I stay or leave? (trolls or no trolls?)

    the problem with this is: what to do against trolls. ban them when they begin to troll? moderate their posts? While it would solve the problem, it could lead to new problems. I have seen similar situations on other forums, and honestly, it always had an impact on the whole community...
  10. ulrik

    I am getting a sun

    Ah, good old Indigo2! Nearly got a good Indigo2 from eBay sometime ago, it had the MaximumImpact board, but when they crossed the 200 dollar line I was out...I already have too many machines... At the moment, I only have two desktop systems, the Fuel and an O2, my main workmachines are two...
  11. ulrik

    Getting my hands on an Xserve!

    I have similar shaped machines sitting next some of my desks, but I guess they won't make you laugh ;) *hugs his onyx2 Congrats to that xServe! I friend of mine who deals with Apple hardware will soon sell his first xServer and I can't wait to see that thing. I am currently working on SGI...
  12. ulrik

    Happy Birthday Ed!!

    Happy birthday Ed!!!! I will take the pics today...I promise.......
  13. ulrik

    I am getting a sun

    congrats, Admiral ;) I have a Sparc5 here and it is a nice machine, I installed the standard LAMP on it (or should I say SAMP) and it worked fine as an intranet webserver, though I never really used it (why should I have two intranet webservers?) but you will find a task for...
  14. ulrik

    Happy Birthday Ulrik!!

    Hey, don't say thing you can't take back, ok? ;) Happy birthday was yours? I had dinner at a chinese restaraunt with my family and then I watched soccer and drank beer since yesterday the german Fußball Bundesliga started...sad, isn't it? And I'm only 21 but I'll have a big...
  15. ulrik

    WindowShade functionality is BACK in Jaguar (not what you think, though)...

    This has been in IRIX since - well - 1991 I think... : rolleyes But I shouldn't compare SGI and Apple...that's just not fair
  16. ulrik

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    what's going on here? I have to SCROLL to get to Herve's Bar and Grill??? LOL
  17. ulrik

    Have you guys seen this yet?

    they are right with one thing: charging 20$ for the current version of this software is not OK. it's not even a beta. if there would be a greek letter before alpha, it would be that...
  18. ulrik

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    hello all....Tismey, beer me please!
  19. ulrik

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    I tried to teach it to them, showing them how it works, but they refuse to eat the cats. Then again, it would be an expensive situation, since I am sure if the fishes break the anti-war pact, the cats will start eating them again...
  20. ulrik

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    <style type="text/css"> BODY { SCROLLBAR-BASE-COLOR: #2E3C97; SCROLLBAR-ARROW-COLOR: #FFF788; } SELECT { FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 11px; COLOR: #000000; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #CFCFCF } TEXTAREA, .bginput { FONT-SIZE: 12px; FONT-FAMILY...