Search results

  1. G

    Dreamweaver MX too slow/Dreamweaver 4 usable?

    Sadly, MX2004 is even slower and more buggy than MX was.. I can't believe I got suckered into paying another $199 for a bug fix. Yes, there's new features, but I'd like the ones I payed for several versions ago to work as advertised first. If it wasn't for the fact that I hate running...
  2. G

    Panther: Default Browser and eMail Client settings

    I tend to agree, it would have been alot easier if they left it in the network control panel where it always was. I use Mailsmith in conjunction with Spamsieve.. the problem is, I deleted Apple's Mail client, so now I have no way to adjust the settings apparently. A suprisingly lame move...
  3. G

    Panther: Default Browser and eMail Client settings

    I noticed that one can no longer change things like the default eMail client, web browser or download path from the Network control panel. Has anyone figured out where Apple has moved/hidden these features now? Thanks.
  4. G

    TIN Configuration w/10.2.x

    Greetings. I was looking for a good newsreader for OS X, and all the (dozen or so) GUI ones totally suck (i'm used to Forte' Agent on the PC). :D Anyway, I thought I'd try an old tried and true standby, namely TIN. Compiling went fine (after a few test runs to get the right configure...
  5. G

    Is Drive 10 a good app?

    Any new file systems much be supported by, and compiled into, the kernal, and it's unlikely Apple will allow 3rd party software into their kernal source. The only one that's capable of adding new file systems, is Apple - and I don't see that changing any time soon.
  6. G

    apple remote desktop

    Dooh! :D I'll go crawl off into a corner now.
  7. G

    apple remote desktop

    A simple search of Microsofts website produced these results, among 44 others.
  8. G

    Truth about Apple performance (OS+hardware)

    Anyone that argues that Mac hardware is faster is crazy.. Photoshop tests be damned. However, as several people pointed out, the speed of the hardware tends to have little to do with one's productivity. I've been using PC's since '87 (as well as Apple //'s, Amiga's, C64, etc etc. before that)...
  9. G

    10.2.1 Release Reported...

    *laughs* I think someone at Apple jumped the gun.. To give the thread starter the benefit of the doubt, the first document has apparently been yanked, and there's no sign of 10.2.1 on the second one.
  10. G

    ANSI probs w/ BitchX in Terminal

    The font doesn't support ANSI graphics. Use GLterm instead - plus it's faster.
  11. G

    9 / 11 Sticky Missing

    Not to belittle what happened, but I think that we'll be seeing/hearing 9/11 tributes, shows, announcements all day from many multiple sources. Do we really need one on a computer forum to remember those tragic events? I doubt anyone is going to forget that easily.
  12. G

    Before buying Office X question...

    Personally, I just bought Appleworks, which so far has been excellent at reading and writing Word .doc files. I'd rather have my eyes gouged out with a red hot spoon, than to give Microsoft what they want for the retail version. It's bad enough that I have to admin their crap at the...
  13. G

    OS X 10.2 works perfectly.

    That _was_ under Jag. :D Actually, the problem was entirely the fault of SMB itself, because the same problem was replicated across different Samba 2.x <--> Win9x & 2000, and even between Win2k <--> Win2k. The only systems that didn't seem to care were pre-Samba 2.x and Win9x, which...
  14. G

    once and for all: vim coloring on XFree86

    GLterm ownz.. :D It's one of those programs worth registering, even if it doesn't support transparent terminals (yet? ;)).
  15. G

    OS X 10.2 works perfectly.

    I finally tracked down the BIGGEST performance hit for dealing with SMB shares.. I spent a good 4 days trying different things trying to figure out why my connection to SMB shares was so pathetically slow (100K/sec).. it turns out it was because I was using a HUB instead of a SWITCH. I learnt a...
  16. G

    Hard disk activity indicator.

    There are times when you don't know if a program stopped responding or if it's actually doing something.. hard drive activity tends to assist in the diagnosis. I'm glad you have a noisy enough hard drive that you can hear the heads moving and such, some of us are misfortunate enough to have...
  17. G

    Hard disk activity indicator.

    Yeah - That's one thing I've always thought strange about the Mac, the fact that there's no way of knowing if the hard drive is being accessed. Norton Utilities had an extension for OS 9 (and older) that would do it, but I haven't seen anything for OS X.
  18. G

    Welcome Netscape 7

    Was just relaying what I read in another forum. I use Mozilla and have no need for the bloatware that is Netscape, thus I haven't tried it out.
  19. G

    Mac OS X on a PC?

    Yes, you are correct, I should have clarified that I was refering to Win95/98/ME.
  20. G

    Mac OS X on a PC?

    Thank you for the 'correction' however I was replying to the same frame of reference as the question being posed without going into a long drawn out explanation. The poster asked about the OS, and what he assumed (Aqua) was the GUI.. I simply stated that the OS would run on the x86 platform...