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  1. VGZ

    Selecting dock items

    I know what your talking about. A-dock under classic has that feature as an option. All you can do now is send in feedback to Apple. Personally it should be Command-Option-Tab to do what you want and Option-Tab to switch to another app and hide the current one.
  2. VGZ

    First impressions

    Just make sure you get the update soon. It adds several nice features.
  3. VGZ

    Here is the forum that discusses the Newton at Disney rumor.
  4. VGZ

    Dock in right side of menu bar

    You mean something similar to TaskMenuBar?
  5. VGZ

    Software Update: disconnected halfway, won't resume

    My friend said that that driver also fixed his disconnect problem. Sorry to hear it doesn't fix yours.
  6. VGZ

    Software Update

    The official update is build 4L13. If Software Update is claiming that you are up to date then check your Receipts directory and delete Mac OS X 10.0.1 update.pkg (closest to this name) and it should let you download it. You may need to remove the software update 1.3.1 receipt as well. Good...
  7. VGZ

    Software Update: disconnected halfway, won't resume

    There is a problem with the driver for the modems on dual g4s. Check for an updated driver.
  8. VGZ

    Uninstalling Mac OS X

    You can search for invisible files inSherlock. Good luck,
  9. VGZ

    Actually I have heard rumors that Disney is using custom made Newtons. I'll post a link to the discussion when I find it.
  10. VGZ

    login window fails

    When you changed all the permissions you broke several things. I did what you did on the PB and had to format and reinstall to recover because none of the apps would work due to incorrect permissions. You should reboot into 9 and backup any important items. You might want to call Apple for...
  11. VGZ

    OSX Trash Bin won't trash????

    Holding option when choosing to empty the trash would delete locked files under 9. Apparently this has not been implemented under X. It would be a good idea to send feedback to Apple requesting that they implemment this feature. But first check to see if this has been implemented in 4L13 (I'm...
  12. VGZ

    how to build ssh2

    10.0.1 update (4L13) adds SSH to X. I have heard conflicting reports as to wether it replaces telnet as the option in sharing (the text hasn't changed but I have heard that it activates the SSH Daemon instead of telnet's).
  13. VGZ

    Get OS X update 10.0.1 HERE!!!!!

    Software Updates checks the Receipts directory to determine what you have installed. If you installed build 4L7 you had to delete the receipt file it created in order for Software Update to download the new version. It would work the same way if you installed build 4L13 (which is only...
  14. VGZ

    Whacked Auto-Uncompress from IE

    The newest version of Stuffit works fine in OS 9. I used it before I got X final (I haven't been back to 9 but once to get my mail out of outlook and into Mail). You should have no problems using Stuffit under 9 & X.
  15. VGZ

    Can't delete mail.mac messages

    How are you trying to delete the messages? Are you clicking the delete icon in the toolbar, pressing delete on the keyboard, or dragging the file to deleted messages? It might be complaining about the method you are using if you are trying to drag the message to deleted messages. If your...
  16. VGZ

    dialogs comming from the window title

    Those are sheets. You might try searching for "sheets" in the IB help or the Dev documentation. I haven't messed around with the IB long enough to tell you for sure but you probably have to add a sheet object to a window. Any one else know of any good sources of info for learning to use IB?
  17. VGZ

    Applications folder lost permissions...

    Open the terminal and check the permissions with ll after typing cd / You can change the permissions with chmod (man chmod for more info) or change the owner of the folder with chown. I changed the owner to myself to prevent problems. Type sudo chown YOUR_USER_NAME /Applications to...
  18. VGZ

    Sharity configuration problems

    I have been using Sharity to mount a shared directory on my roomates wintel box so that we could tranfer some files to it. I found that Sharity doesn't seem to show shared directories in the /Network/Cifs/ directory like it is supposed to. I use the program to mount the volume directly but...
  19. VGZ

    Open Office

    From what I have read about this release it is the core of the program code and does not have all the winblows interface components in it. I also read that it will not compile into a fully functional build because it lack much of the necessary components. We need to get several good coders on...