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  1. Z

    things not announced at MW

    To endian: I see the logic behind the losenge button's two functions, but I don't agree. 1) Not only the "path" button but also the "view" buttons are useful regardless of windowing mode. 2) A shortcut to open a folder in a new window is just as useful as a shortcut to open it in the...
  2. Z

    Scheduled Downtime, Fixed //// problem.

    At least on my box, if I surf to instead of, I get taken to the Apache test page instead of forwarded to the main page. Everything else seems to be in working order. Zach [Edited by zpincus on 01-10-2001 at 11:37 AM]
  3. Z

    things not announced at MW

    As far as the pill-shaped button at the top right of the windows: this movie (about 700k) demonstrates its dual functions. 1) It toggles the toolbar. 2) It toggles "new window on double click" vs. "browse in single window." Err what? One button for two functions? Might as well chuck the...
  4. Z

    VNC Server

    Strobe, I've been waiting since you posted this: several weeks ago, for you to explain how the fact that semitransparent objects bog down win32 VNC applies to OS X. (Which as you yourself mentioned, uses an entirely different window server paradigm than Win32.) You just keep repeating the...
  5. Z

    More Window Options... Window backgrounds?

    I agree totally with griffman about the command-n versus command-option-n question. (also, thanks griffman for the quote hints -- hopefully they will get that fixed soon) I used OS X for a few weeks, and despite a bit of a rough start because of all the changes, now it is 9 that seems wierd...
  6. Z

    Pipe MacOS stuff through Unix with Terminal services!

    I think an admin posted something about this a bit ago... IIRC, when went to a new server, the backslash problem (and some others) cropped up because the new servers were running older software that does not process the text right. Tonight or tomorrow they should be getting this...
  7. Z


    boult -- You are right about GAIM vs. Fire. GAIM totally wins, feature-wise. Also, thanks a lot for the link to the ported libs -- that will help a lot! If you have a fast connection, you might try to get the dev tools from apple. If you are at all comfortable with the CLI, often it is...
  8. Z

    MacOS X & XFree86 now interoperable

    Thanks phule! That is great news. I can not wait to try it out. (nor can I wait for to move to the new server so I cn use contractions again!) As soon as someone gets this going as a rootless client (soon, I hope) I will no longer even have to think about having to pay for a copy...
  9. Z


    I am with strobe. Think what you will, but he or she is far from ignorant, and despite some light sarcasm, the only rudeness i have seen here was your throwing direct insults. If you want an easy, OS X graphical AIM (and other IM service) clone, use We all know that you prefer GAIM...
  10. Z

    Customise the Dock with the Dev. Tools

    your point is both true and not true, chmod... defaults read provides information about all the currently set options in a plist. A lot of novel behavior (ie: hacks) can be accessed by changing and turning off or on these options that already extant in the plist. However, there is another...
  11. Z

    HELP me dig into the system to find a certain file

    Here are my thoughts on finding that file: It may be that the blue color drawn during startup is hard-coded into some startup process. (My guess is by the Window Manager process itself, though it might also be from But hopefully Apple has provided for startup screens and has...
  12. Z

    HELP ME!!!!!

    rene -- You are right, I do spend a lot of time strongly suggesting that people search first and ask questions later. But it is for their own good -- often, when people ask a question that has been posted many times before, nobody even bothers to answer. I figure that the give a man a fish...
  13. Z

    VNC Server

    And now a note as to why a VNC Server for OS X would be a good thing, even if we get OS X native forwarding. 1) VNC is a very thin-client protocol. That is, a client is small, relatively easy to write, does very little, and requires very little from the processor or RAM. This leads to huge...
  14. Z

    VNC Server

    Woah, strobe, I was just asking a question to see if my thinking was anywhere near correct. While your seemingly angry, cryptic answers have convinced me that you think I\'m a total idiot, they haven\'t convinced me at all why an OS X VNC server is impossible, or even the reasons why you find my...
  15. Z

    VNC Server

    While a PDF version of X windows forwarding would be nice, it still leaves a few gaps. 1) ssh won't be likely to be able to natively forward the PDF commands in an encrypted state. Apple will need to design a new tool for this. 2) it won't work cross-platform like VNC does. Number 2 is why...
  16. Z

    Interface philosophy: less is *not* more, anymore. Aqua lacks Windows features!.

    Sorry, Piet, while your point is well-taken that OS X ought to be easy for anyone (newbie, seasoned windows user, etc) to use, I don't believe that aping metaphors from other OS's would make it so. That would lead to a confusing jumble. OS X on the other hand strikes me as pretty internally...
  17. Z

    Interesting bug in the CLI?

    Here's an interesting problem I've found: From the terminal (or other CLI login) run ftp. Now suspend it with ^-Z. Every time you press return from now on, you should be appraised of the fact that ftp is in fact suspended (abnormal). Now, try to resume it with fg. ftp no longer responds...
  18. Z

    Shell Scripting and C / Shell interactions

    OK, so I'm trying to set up a shell script that tests if TCP is working and then restarts if it is not... Since I need to remotely admin my OS X box and sometimes TCP/sshd dies, having this script running daily as a crontab item would be great. Because then the system would reboot if there is...
  19. Z

    Darwin or sshd crash? Can't login!

    My OS X machine is in a locked dorm room. Only I have passwords, and telnet (though not ftp) is disabled. Why do I remotely log in to it from home? 1) To retrieve project files (via scp) to work on at home. 2) To play with darwin. About 50% of my OS X exploration time takes place in the...
  20. Z

    Startup Disk not working from Mac OS X (works in 9 though)

    Here's the best I can do. Please be careful -- I'm giving directions that require playing with dangerous tools. Also, my OS X box, which I'm using remotely seems to have crashed or something so I can't check these instructions to make sure they're exactly right... In order to make these...