Search results

  1. Z

    Darwin or sshd crash? Can't login!

    I have run into a difficult situation here. I am at home, many hundereds of miles away from my OS X box, which I have been administering remotely via ssh for the past few weeks. I rebooted it a few times, to see if everything would work, and it did. The last time I checked uptime...
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    No Sound in OS X

    Locus -- I'm not quite sure what you mean. Sound works fine in my OS X on a beige G3. What system are you running that has no sound? Rhino -- If the only mod you've made to your system is indeed the extra ram, you've got an interesting problem. (You sure you've got no 3rd party USB devices...
  3. Z

    OS X Developer Tools

    farb and VGZ -- sorry again for my first reply. That was inexcusable. I also had the d/l poop out at around 49 megs (I can't remember the exact amount, though.) I solved the problem (I think?) by using Omniweb to download it. Omniweb does d/l's better than Explorer (in either 9 or X!). Or...
  4. Z

    New Pro Keyboard will not work on OS X

    Try this, if you haven't already: Disconnect all of the extra USB hardware you have, and just plug in the keyboard (and maybe the trackball) into the back of the computer. Now, restart your machine. I have read somewhere that unsupported (ie: doesn't yet work in OS X) hardware, especially...
  5. Z

    Cant Work Os 9 Classis

    Could you please specify a bit as to the nature of your problem? Classic should boot up when you open it. A little window should come up that says something like "Booting OS 9 from Macintosh HD." If you click the arrow in the window, you should see a OS 9 booting in a window. When the...
  6. Z

    No Sound in OS X

    Could you both give some info as to what systems you have installed OS X on? There is a known problem with one of the audio drivers on older macs with G3 upgrade cards. There is an easy fix for this. Other known sound problems include the fact that sound in classic is somehow inhibited by OS X...
  7. Z

    OS X Developer Tools

    [edit. Sorry for being an idiot. I had the d/l problem, too, because my connection was being choppy and Apple's server wasn't too tolerant. Good luck finding tools. Sorry, again. Thanks VGZ.] [Edited by zpincus on 12-25-2000 at 01:27 AM]
  8. Z

    Booting from a usb drive

    Sorry, booting from USB is not supported in OS X PB. USB drives themselves won't even show up in the beta, even if you boot from a supported drive. The drivers just haven't been written yet. By 1.0, none of this should be an issue. (By the way, this issue has, I believe, already been...
  9. Z

    Has anyone installed XFree86?

    jcon -- yes, enlightenment is very nice. I don't know if anyone's got it running under Darwin X11 yet... people seem to have fvwm, fvwm2, windowmaker, and perhaps ice posted on (They have great FAQs and other stuff about running X11 on darwin and on OS X boxes. check...
  10. Z

    What does Aqua mean to you?

    Heh. Silly me, I forgot to answer my own question! I started with the "make it like 9" camp. Then I realized I loved the clean lines (mmm... bauhaus) of OS X and I even stopped hating the apple in the center of the menu bar. Sure, I've customized my system -- wClock in the menu bar, and a...
  11. Z

    Has anyone installed XFree86?

    Look man, I really didn't mean to be nasty, but: Xtools was based off the Xfree86 codebase. I have in fact installed one on top of the other. XTools is pretty much Xfree86 without the ability to have a fullscreen rooted X display. VNCServer will also not run without Xfree86. All that it does...
  12. Z

    Developer CD install probs's search tool is actually quite good. It's always a good idea to search the posts before asking a question. In this case, searching for "bom to path" or "developer tools" pulls up a couple of threads with good instructions on how to fix this. Short answer: StuffitExpander's gzip...
  13. Z

    Can't Get OSX To Boot on Beige G3

    Glad that helped. I guess I probably wasn't telling the whole truth about "a quick search on apple's knowledge base" because there is no such thing. Truth be told, I just happened upon the article while I was looking for something else, and I figured it would have been easy to find if you...
  14. Z

    new fonts ?

    Have you tried putting them in the folder /Library/Fonts/ ? (This is in the Library folder at the top level of the drive that OS X is installed on.) There are actually a multiplicity of Fonts folders. There's /System/Library/Fonts, but Apple wants complete control of all things in /System...
  15. Z

    Has anyone installed XFree86?

    jcon -- had you read ITz last post, or any of the other threads relating to X windows, it would have become apparent that Tenon Systems' XTools software will launch a rootless X session over Aqua -- exactly what you want. To replace Aqua, just log in as >console and run startx. Do a little...
  16. Z

    Can't Even Install OSX

    Note: An article in Apple's OS X knowledge base (accessible here) confirms that OS X cannot recognize any ATA (IDE) hard drives on the second bus (bus 1) if there is a lone slave DVD device on bus 0. So even if you succeed in installing OS X with a spare CD drive (as master) or by switching...
  17. Z

    Startup Disk not working from Mac OS X (works in 9 though)

    I've had this problem, too, and the partition scheme doesn't seem to affect it. I have a separate drive for OS X, and a multiply partitioned OS 9/data drive. Yet still, one day the startup disk panel would load all the possible system folders into the window, then crash. Pretty lame. I...
  18. Z

    Can't Get OSX To Boot on Beige G3

    babu -- A quick search on Apple's knowledge base would have revealed that some Apple Ultra Wide SCSI cards (installed in some beige G3's and beige G3 servers) need a firmware update to be able to boot OS X. The article, with instructions and links to the updaters, can be found here. Hope...
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    User Root Exposed

    Omega -- I'm afraid that I must respectfully disagree. OS X needs to be bulletproof out of the box. Whether or not end users know about root, it is still there. If there are bugs/security flaws that leave this accessible to malicious programs or non-admin users, we've all got big problems...
  20. Z

    What does Aqua mean to you?

    Two questions now that we've all had a while to play with OS X: 1) How many of you are using Aqua/ dock "as Jobs intended" -- that is, no drives on the desktop (and perhaps nothing else, either), no apple menu hack, using dock space sparingly and docked subfolders for all of...