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  1. A

    remaining reasons for forcing us back into OS 9?

    Two words: Unreal Tournament. As soon as someone does a decent port of UT for OS X (the one that's out sucks!), I will probably never boot into 9 again. :) The only other reasons I might have to is if my brother or parents need to use an app that only runs in 9, or something. Adam.
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    Chimera browser is available for d/l!

    I downloaded Chimera too, and it's speed is AMAZING! God, I never thought my DSL could be that fast!! Unfortunately, it's not really usable yet, as it has no JavaScript support and you can't type in text fields (not to mention the horrible scrolling), but I see amazing potential for this...
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    HELP OUT fellow MACUSERS -- please read!

    Wow, I am late coming in, aren't I? Anyway, I signed and I am number 454. Happy to help, Admiral. :) Adam
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    first mac?

    First Mac I ever owned was a Mac Classic when I was around 4 or 5 or 6, don't remember exactly. I Have no memory what the specs were. It's now in a closet in my dad's office, but it still works fine! I started it up, not too long ago, and it is really surprising how fast it started up! It was...
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    How many Mac's have you had in your lifetime? (Home only + parent's machines)

    8 Macs in my lifetime (including the ones belonging to my brother and parents): Mac Classic Performa 636CD Another Performa 636CD (This one was the first computer I had for myself that I didn't have to share with my parents. Don't know why we got the same model again about 2 years later...
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    How many Macs do you have?

    Graphite iBook SE (w/ FireWire, 466 MHz) Blueberry iMac DV (Slot-loading, 400 MHz) Performa 6360 Performa 636 And a Mac Classic (don't use that one, it's in some closet in my dad's office.) The only one that's really mine is the iBook, the rest of them belong to various members of my...
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    Damn! This site is fast... (under Windows)

    I find to be extremely fast in OW 4.1 sneakypeek 42 in OS 10.1.2. It's much faster than most other forums, including the MacAddict forums and Macfora (although Macfora's pretty fast too.) I am extremely happy with the speed of; it's much faster than when this site was...
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    Am I the only one?

    It works for me, too. I have no idea what the problem could be. Sorry. Adam.
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    OmniWeb 4.1sp21

    Anyone know why OW 4.1 Beta 1 was pulled from the OW SneakyPeek site ( It's pretty strange that it was pulled. At first, I thought that maybe they put a public beta on their main OW site, but they did not. Any ideas? Adam.
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    10.1.2 problems

    I actually experienced this when I upgraded to 10.1.1, but it was fixed in 10.1.2. Never experienced the others. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Adam.
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    Do you iPod? (do you yahoo, got it?)

    There is no option that applies to me. Can you add "don't have one, but I wish I could buy one?" :) Adam.
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    10.1 not for gaming

    Actually, I don't know how UT w/ open GL will run on my machine. I know Alice is pretty jumpy on my machine, and it runs in Open GL. But when I asked Aspyr, they said that Alice was a very graphics-intensive game, especially Pool of Tears, which was the primary level that I was complaining...
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    10.1 not for gaming

    When I went to the link, they made it seem as if RAVE would never be supported. Are they serious?! RAVE will never be supported in the OS X verions of UT?! They must be joking! OpenGL sucks on my machine! Unreal Tournament actually ran very smoothly with RAVE. Please reassure me that the OS X...
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    10.1 not for gaming

    Excalibur, thanks for the info.! Actually, I thought that Alice used RAVE in 9, but OpenGL in X becaue the RAGE drivers weren't complete. If it does run in OpenGL in 9, that would explain it. Actually, after playing it some more, I realize it isn't that different in X than in 9. Every level...
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    10.1 not for gaming

    Kevin, Games cannot be made to require a Radeon or GeForce. The ATI RAGE is not obsolete yet, nor is the G3. Even if the games is not made to be run on a laptop, the iMacs still have G3 processors and the RAGE. As I said before, Unreal Tournament runs great in OS 9! I really want an OS X...
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    10.1 not for gaming

    Kevin, Games cannot be made to require a Radeon or GeForce. The ATI RAGE
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    10.1 not for gaming

    I have an iBook Graphite SE/466 MHz with an 8 MB ATI RAGE Mobility, and Unreal Tournament runs great in OS 9! I have the resolution at 640x180, 32-bit color, and Textures and Detail at medium. It runs extremely smoothly. I've never had a framerate problem. In Classic in OS X, however, it's a...
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    If 10.1 performance sucks for you...

    About the 9.2 upgrade needing 9.1 first, I thought Apple said that they gave you the 10.1 UPGRADE CD and the 9.2 FULL CD? Am I wrong about this? Also, I would like to know people's thoughts on partitioning now that 10.1 is out. I used to have 9 and all my apps on a 7 GB partitoin, and OS X on...
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    Classic and Mac OS X

    I fixed it! It actually got worse before I fixed it. It said that I didn't have OS 9.1. I tried to reinstall 9.1, but it didn't help. I even did a clean install, and that didn't work either. Finally, I did a clean install of 9.0.4, and then reinstalled 9.1 and that fixed it. Thanks for...
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    Classic and Mac OS X

    I do have 9.1 installed. When I tried to load Classic, it said that some things in OS 9.1 had to be updated, so I clicked OK. Then it started to load Classic, but it takes a really long time, and it doesn't seem to be making any progress. Now it doesn't say the part about the updating any more...