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  1. strobe

    Mount ext2 FS in MacOS X

    Thinking further about VirtualPC, if you managed to create a disk image of your ext2 filesystem you might be able to use it with VirtualPC (even boot off it). You could also put the hard drive in an external USB box since VirtualPC can use USB devices (you have to tell VirtualPC which USB...
  2. strobe

    Mount ext2 FS in MacOS X

    By the way GNU HURD doesn't use "the" Mach 3 microkernel, it uses its own version of the Mach 3 microkernel, not the OSF Mach 3 microkernel.
  3. strobe

    Mount ext2 FS in MacOS X

    [/b] Wrong. xnu is not Mach. xnu is based on a lot of technologies and borrows a lot from OSF Mach 3 including some technologies which aren't in Mach 3 like realtime threads. Just to say it again for effect, xnu is not Mach. [/b] Not true. You can remove all filesystem support from...
  4. strobe

    Mount ext2 FS in MacOS X

  5. strobe

    Mount ext2 FS in MacOS X

    By the way there is an ext2 for Mac OS X project here:
  6. strobe

    Darwin and ports and stuff

    I'll echo the sentiments, just use fink until something better comes along.
  7. strobe

    Mount ext2 FS in MacOS X

    You don't need to buy a whole new system silly, just boot off a Linux/PPC CD. Yeesh.
  8. strobe

    Mount ext2 FS in MacOS X

    It is contradictory because you suggested that a) a microkernel would be necessary or more apt, b) a module would have to be loaded in order to 'handle' the filesystem. In fact you kind of implied that Darwin supports some filesystems natively which I don't believe to be correct. Furthermore...
  9. strobe

    Mount ext2 FS in MacOS X

    I don't see what that has to do with microkernels. In Mac OS X you shouldn't ever have to load a kernel module. Kernel modules are bundled into KEXTs or kernel extensions which contain information which tell the KEXT daemon when it should be loaded. Thus if you implement the KEXT correctly it...
  10. strobe

    Darwin and ports and stuff

    I would not install GNU Darwin over Mac OS X. Use a separate volume. UNIX has a nasty habit of breaking easily, a side-effect of it's everything-is-a-file-at-a-static-path methodology. There are two kinds of 'ports'. One is the FreeBSD version which was, ehem, ported to Darwin. The other is...
  11. strobe

    Mount ext2 FS in MacOS X

    The Darwin kernel, xnu, is not a microkernel. Furthermore whether it is or isn't a microkernel has absolutely nothing to do with what filesystems it supports or how easy it would be to support a new filesystem. I don't know the setup of the person who started this thread, but I would suggest...
  12. strobe

    syncing folders

    Sorry, the name of the product is Synk, not Sync. Check it out.
  13. strobe

    syncing folders

    An AppleShare volume? I know Sync (an application) is designed to work that way, even mounting the volume for you.
  14. strobe

    Wow! Internet Explorer 5.2.2

    I just keep it off. Sites with actual content usually don't have that shít. Sometimes a link will be a JavaScript command which you can usually crop into an actual link.
  15. strobe

    The importance of a Macintosh

    I can think of three obvious examples of TextEdit behaving like a UNIX app: 1) It will freak out if you move/rename the open file or a host directory/non-root volume. In other words if you change the path of an open file. Mac apps (esp. Carbon apps) treat a file's path as variable, not...
  16. strobe

    Apple buying SUN

    If the target for your drag isn't visible you can drag it to a temporary location. A better solution would be if the target could be made visible by hovering over the app in the Dock. Another thing I absolutely hate about the UNIX behavior is you can't paste over a selection to replace it...
  17. strobe

    Virtual PC on the cheap...

    This is the same as Bochs, and it sucks. Don't bother! It's CRAPOLA! Also, don't buy anything from that company. All their claims are lies, trying to sell you what is otherwise free software. If they ran a pharmacy they would sell your mother placebos as cancer curing pills. Use fink...
  18. strobe

    Apple buying SUN

    I like the fact that Mac apps only require one button even though I use a four button mouse. Compare that with UNIX apps which require a three button mouse or many Windows apps which require two button mice. The UNIX three button requirement is really stupid. The rationale is you don't have...
  19. strobe

    The importance of a Macintosh

    Well at least with vi you expect it to behave like a UNIX app.
  20. strobe

    Installing Darwin 1.4.1 on x86?? has instructions. On the other hand, what's the point? Easier to use FreeBSD unless you're actively developing Darwin x86.