Search results

  1. putamare

    OS X on Intel AGAIN ( article)

    Last time I checked 5% was 100% of 5%, but then I remember way back when X came after W and 10 came after 9, and us old farts can't keep up with changing times.
  2. putamare

    PHP4 what am I doing stupidly?

    Did you install Apple's security update after the php install? Maybe an update would help, but I dobut it. My phpinfo worked after the Security Update, it just didn't have any of the cool libraries. I stole my tagline from Despair Inc. It's perfrect for: - Survior Types -Dorks who quote...
  3. putamare

    Web design

    ... for me to poop on!
  4. putamare

    Portfolio site...

    You could try Macromedia's Flash Deployment Kit or the tutorials at FlashKit, but I wasn't really suggesting you need a redirect. Any design firm w/o flash has got to be a little ... odd, though plenty might choose not to use it, they'll have it.
  5. putamare

    OS "EX" or OS "Ten"?

    If Steve Jobs wore nothing but black turtlenecks, would you?
  6. putamare

    Web design

    Damn straight! i have little offensensitivity btw
  7. putamare

    Web design

  8. putamare

    Portfolio site...

    According to Macromedia: Now, on one of my clients' sites, I have a redirector that guides people that don’t have Flash 3 or above to an HTML-only version. Since Jan 1, there have been 34,748 redirects to the flash version & 14,940 to the HTML. That adds up to 70% flash for me, but YMMV. My...
  9. putamare

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    From mono FAQ Even very bad monkeys? And on their rationale page they have a pretty clear breakdown of what .NET "is": So by asking will we see Mac .NET, do you mean just the development program or more?
  10. putamare

    PHP4 what am I doing stupidly?

    nope, my test.php file has just <?PHP phpinfo() ?> No HTML tags, no semicolon, no nuthin, and works just fine
  11. putamare

    OS "EX" or OS "Ten"?

    I paid my $129; I'll spank its bottom & call it Charlie if I so desire.
  12. putamare

    PHP4 what am I doing stupidly?

    no spaces between the < and the ?: <?
  13. putamare

    The "post a picture" thread

    my avatar doesn't do the drool adequate justice (Its Vic's fault I've been drinking)
  14. putamare

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    <unwarranted rant> By the way, I don't know if FrgMstr was implying that I was "dis"ing .NET, (I thought my comments were pretty neutral), but one thing I will "dis" is M$ IDEs. I occasionally use VB & InterDev, and would almost rather use WordPad. These real estate hogging apps give...
  15. putamare

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    According to an article I was reading in the March ACCESS-VB-SQL Advisor, M$ is even implementing the CLR in their upcoming SQL Server (code named Yukon, oh that's too easy, due mid-2003). I won't hold my breath until phatsharpie is impressed.
  16. putamare

    Dead Pixels

    & apple would probably send you a replacement screen with 9.5 dead pixels
  17. putamare

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    .NET seems to be a lot of different things, on one hand it is a sort of unification of all the existing M$ development languages, on the other it is (total?) integration with services like passport (big brother?), M$ also seems to be naming any new version of anything they ship .NET. What...
  18. putamare

    Perl and PHP

    Did you uncomment AddHandler cgi-script .cgi and AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps in httpd.conf?
  19. putamare

    April 10.

    I'll drink to that!
  20. putamare

    OS X on Intel AGAIN ( article)

    does X still rely on the boot ROM?