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  1. putamare

    Consumer Reports is so behind !

    If I new so little about computers that I would look to Consumer Reports for advice, then the advice they give would probably suit my needs pretty well.
  2. putamare

    minidisc and OS X

    You forgot about maintaining and creating all those individual 74 minute discs, what a hassle. If you add the number of discs you would have to buy to have the same amount of music as an iPod, the costs would be about the same. I think the only reason anybody would want one is for the sound...
  3. putamare

    minidisc and OS X

    I have a Sony MZ-R70 with the Digital PC link that connects to the computer via USB and the mini via optical in. It works out of the box in both 9 & X (which is kind of funny since Sony cliams that it doesn't, and after about an hour of trying I never did get the thing to work with my PC). In...
  4. putamare

    Do you think Adobe will announce Photoshop 7 this week?

    I just walked over to the Seybold Expo (about 1 mile from my office) and spent more time getting there than at the Expo itself. This is quite a dissapointment, since the last time Seybold was in NYC, it was much better than the last two MacWorlds here (imagine a MacWorld aimed at the...
  5. putamare

    Unplug ethernet, modem dials. BAD

    go to preferences:network, from the show: drop down menu select "Active Network Ports", then deselect any ports such as "Modem Port" that you don't want to use, you can also rearrange the order of the any of the devices to suit yourself.
  6. putamare

    Unplug ethernet, modem dials. BAD

    go to preferences:network, from the show: drop down menu select "Active Network Ports", then deselect any ports such as "Modem Port" that you don't want to use, you can also rearrange the order of the any of the devices to suit yourself.
  7. putamare

    Refugee from Macnn

    God, I hope its up soon, it would be a shame if their whiners all came over here & cloged up these boards. They can drop the signal to noise ratio faster than you can say "i want my rage pro drivers."
  8. putamare

    10.1 New and Hidden Features

    wouldn't be being stuck w/ 10.0.4 be punishment enough?
  9. putamare

    configuring and terminal commands

    I highly reccomend the O'Rielly book Practical UNIX & Internet Security, but not just for the security information. The book is a very good explanation of UNIX itself.
  10. putamare

    Need tips on optimizing Classic

    Turn everything off w/ extensions manager, then when X starts up Classic it'll say something like "Classic requires missing resources, should I add them?" Say OK, then you'll have the absolute bare minimum required to run Classic. Now, just add extensions whenever you find a need for them on a...
  11. putamare

    PHP / Apache install with 10.1

    ...yeah, I figure I need to familiarize myself with all the innards of that crap anyway & troubleshooting is a great way to maintain focus while you learn, but I'm looking forward to just typing "fink update-all" in the future.
  12. putamare

    Big Giant Warning With 10.1!!!!!

    Did you try re-installing X.1 over the f'dup install?
  13. putamare

    Mac OS X v. 10.1

    XP stands for Xpensive
  14. putamare

    If 10.1 performance sucks for you...

    If you're going to compile aphache, mysql, & php (as opposed to using the versions installed by X by default), try using fink.
  15. putamare

    Big Giant Warning With 10.1!!!!!

    I haven't checked your complete list, but my vi, chown, uptime, gunzip, and whoami are all working fine, and I have no blank files in /usr/bin.
  16. putamare

    Mac OS X v. 10.1

    X, like any other piece of software, is only worth the money if you have a compelling reason to use it. When the day comes where you say "oh man I need X to do Y..." you'll be ready for X. The only thing that you can really get out of X that you can't get out of 9 is the ability to run *nix...
  17. putamare

    PHP / Apache install with 10.1

    I dl'ed 'em and compiled them last night w/ fink, but haven't started them up yet so I can't be positive all the correct modules got installed.
  18. putamare

    Perl & Python worth it?

    look into ruby, very oo, and no damn ;'s!
  19. putamare

    WTF is with CompUSA, and XP?

    The frequency of any given CompUSA employee's answering a question with either an ignorant or intentionally deceptive response is higher than any other retail chain I've ever had the experience to shop at. I have found no variation in this tendency to mendacity over the last six years or amongst...