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  1. Soapvox

    Bush Pisses Me OFF

    What a bloddy idiot, he claims we are all soldiers, BULLSHIT!!!! I do not support the mass destruction of any civilization especially when we are the cause of the people we are fighting. It is horrible what has happened but this man is just as bad as his father, I know I am going to get...
  2. Soapvox

    If this doesn't make your head turn, I don't know what will

    You can reason with them, but you need patience and persistence. They need to now of the truth and once a bit of the truth sinks in it will grow and eventually they will come around to question the beliefs, it just takes time.
  3. Soapvox

    No auto startUp

    I have never used them but my understanding is that cron jobs you can set events or scripts to run at certain times, Cronnix is a GUI front end for Cron so you don't have to do the CLI
  4. Soapvox


    Data, the android, what os does he run (jk)
  5. Soapvox

    If this doesn't make your head turn, I don't know what will

    People are sheep and won't listen to reason if we call names and such, apb3, you are headed in the right direction in my opinion, but we need to teach and if we can show the er of thier ways and falsehoods with out attacking our point becomes more valid. Ask a "believer" why I am...
  6. Soapvox

    No auto startUp

    Setup a cron job, you can get a cron helper at version tracker, I think it is called cronnix or something like that
  7. Soapvox

    [HOWTO] - Use iTunes as an alarm clock

    Man I love OS X!!!!!!!!!! Lets see XP do that, thanks for the great script!:)
  8. Soapvox

    Gravis Gamepad Pro

    you plug in the device, then click the button in the panel to map, click the button on the pad and viola, set the key to map, I set mine up in about 5 minutes
  9. Soapvox

    If this doesn't make your head turn, I don't know what will

    While I am an Athiest I don't believe the poster is deluded, it is just what he believes, and if your beliefs lead you to do good then it can't be all that bad. That said, everyone must look at the bible and all religions as something created and written by men, even...
  10. Soapvox


    You are a language lover... to me math is another language (as well as C, C++ and even scripting languages) so I suppose that would lend yourself to loving math. Its very funny math always came naturally to me (slept my way through algebra I and II) and now I am so happy...
  11. Soapvox

    10.1 Server

    Ok first of all I bought OS 10.0 server and sent in my coupon and it still hasn't arrived so I don't know what to tell you, but please people I understand software is really expensive and all and software companies gouge people but we need to support apple, so if you use Apple products and...
  12. Soapvox

    FTP Upload - Big Problem!

    I don't have any idea of what I am talking about so if you feel like trying it cool, if not I understand. By educated guess is that the port for ftp is not set up to allow passive connections, I would suggest downloading brickhouse from version trackers and fooling around with it to try to...
  13. Soapvox

    Switching newspapers to OSX

    I am ready to switch over the production side of our design department once office comes out, we (OS X users) now have inDesign, Illustrator and Freehand carbonized, I love networking on OS X and is you are a production house and using anything less than a B&W then it is time to upgrade CPUs...
  14. Soapvox


    Hell are you talking about you crazy canadian????:confused:
  15. Soapvox

    The weakest link!

    << Soapvox is the weakest link ...... Goodbye >> <<In the confesional area>> I feel I was a much stronger link than Scott but then they just asking all these questions about the queen and I thought they were talking about San Francisco, not the Queen of England and what the hell I got the...
  16. Soapvox

    Poor Mr Bush

    Europe and America (in general terms) are allies and just because Bush is an idiot does not mean that Europe ( mainly England) wont support us when we are attacked, but we also have to wonder are we being led as sheeps are into a war that has no end and is senseless. Don't get me wrong it is...
  17. Soapvox

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Ar matey, lets see those ugly mugs of yours (what do you think admiral should I change my name to captain soapvox)
  18. Soapvox

    What's Your Age Again?

    More Time
  19. Soapvox

    MS spying through Office v.X?

    are those ports the ones for sure or does it change ports each time you launch?