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  1. Y

    Newest known Tiger build: Mac OS X 10.4.3 8F8

    Hmm, well, things are looking more refined, still problems with Mail crashing and mdimport doesn't seem to be active on Server? Perhaps I've not given it enough time, but something odd there.
  2. Y

    I heard a rumour

    Please write the manufacturer and let them know your desire. That's the best way to get support going. Then tell other Mac OS X users how wonderful the drive is and give them the link to e-mail the mfg as well. I for one love to hear about excellent dvd writers since that is I work with small...
  3. Y

    Newest known Tiger build: Mac OS X 10.4.3 8F8

    I've tried gutting Mail multiple times and reimporting everything. Works fine if you start with a blank setup, just cannot get anything imported properly. I've tried both ways, dropping the old ~/Library/Mail in as well as performing an importation. Guess I'll just have to hold tight until...
  4. Y

    Newest known Tiger build: Mac OS X 10.4.3 8F8

    Been having issues with Mail. Seems that I've got something going on with my some messages or mailboxes that are giving the new Mail fits. Has anyone experienced this? Or does anyone know of a way to thoroughly check all messages and mailboxes for possible errors or corruption?
  5. Y

    iLife '05 Warning

    I seem to have some problems with it, especially with the Trash when something is in there... Really lags in performance. Then when you get over 10,000-15,000 or more files it seems to get chunky as well I think. BUT, the features are really nice as I can manage clipart easily now with iPhoto...
  6. Y

    Newest known Tiger build: Mac OS X 10.4.3 8F8

    Yep, unfortunately I do agree, feels like you're right.
  7. Y

    Mac mini

    Yes, everything is up to date on that router/switch.
  8. Y

    Mac mini

    By the way, anyone having problems with the new Mac mini and certain network switches and or routers? Seems we may be having a problem with a Netgear unit and the Mac mini at the moment, very troublesome... Can't get over, it seems, a 10mb link even after setting it manually, at least that's...
  9. Y

    Mac mini

    It was pretty easy to replace the RAM in my new Mac mini today... Getting case off at first was a little unnerving, but the beveled putty knife seems to work alright.
  10. Y

    Tiger as primary system: When?

    Oh, one more note to amend what Fryke had mentioned about logging out just as soon as you're done copying. I would advise that you actually log on as an admin user that previously did not exist that you create and perform the copying that way. You can then either run Disk Utility and repair...
  11. Y

    Tiger as primary system: When?

    Yes, I can vouch for what Fryke has outlined. I just did this recently (2 weeks ago) and it went without a hitch and was done within just about 2-3 hours. Quite a smooth transition as long as you have things basically in the right place.
  12. Y

    Dynamic Mounting

    It appears that dynamic mounts are being handled more properly in Tiger as a positive note. I have a share that my music is on from another computer (symbolic link to that volume and subfolder in the iTunes Music folder in ~) that I always have to manually start when in X.3 for iTunes to play...
  13. Y

    Video iPod is dead

    I don't know why everyone is getting so worked up. From my reading it definitely appears that these iPod +photo will be the base for the iPod with video. I would imagine that it will just be popped into the firmware as soon as Tiger is released 1st qtr. of next year. This is going to be the...
  14. Y

    Final Cut Pro to gain IMX, P2 support

    Wow, I was really impressed when I saw this. What do you think about these couple of lines? "Apple Computer disclosed some of the new features planned for the next version of Final Cut Pro. ...the future version of Apple's non-linear editing (NLE) software will gain support for MPEG-2 IMX...
  15. Y

    Camino with Safari Tabs

    Definitely exciting. It would also be nice to see some interoperability between Camino and the Firefox plugins. I've found some excellent plugins for Firefox that would be EXCELLENT for Camino. One note is that you can search bookmarks in Safari, however its not readily visible, but I...
  16. Y

    Camino with Safari Tabs

    You're most definitely correct, however it seems that they are moving in that direction. Its not replacing Safari yet for me after trying it out a bit, but I am happy to see them progressing.
  17. Y

    Camino with Safari Tabs

    Wow, you're right. I've not checked out the activity there for a while, but it definitely seems promising. It seems that its a blend of OmniWeb and Safari. I'm really liking this.
  18. Y

    10.3.5 (Complete Thread)

    You know, I'm curious too. I got my developer DVDs (standard and server) a while back when everyone other ADC member got them, installed it, poked around a very brief moment and decided that it didn't feel quite up to giving it a good work out yet. I've been holding my breath for a couple of...
  19. Y

    Apple to re-license mac os in 2005

    Well, there is a difference between wild and educated. I don't claim that any of that would happen, however its fun to contemplate and discuss. This is a rumor and fairly thought provoking forum, so I thought that mind bending and conjecture was welcome here. It seems that this HP iPod deal...
  20. Y

    Apple to re-license mac os in 2005

    HP has actually always had a division that has pushed towards 3D and high end workstations. That would be an ideal area to being pushing into with the G5 and with IBM "opening up" its processor technology, HP might be able to take real advantage of this. Apple shines in this area as usually...