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    EAX on Leopard?

    imac 24 inch, 2.8g intel core 2 duo
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    EAX on Leopard?

    I have an external Muse Gamesurround USB 5.1 sound card. Works great on my imac when I am in XP, but I only get 2 of the 5 channels with the mac. The card supports EAX - does EAX exist on the mac platform? Can I ever get this computer to output good surround audio while using it as a mac?
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    Cannot load ati drivers on imac

    Got a new imac 24" aluminum. Running Bootcamp, I have tried to download the ati drivers for the radeon 2600 graphics card in the machine, however the installation fails saying 'there is no supported graphics driver found'. WHY doesn't the stock ati driver detect the card? (it is there...
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    How to get Hercules Muse pocket to work...

    ... in OS X? IT works fine on the imac in Windows, but did not come with any OS X drivers. Box for the LT version of the same card, says it is for Mac as well as PC. Obviously a software issue - where/how do I get generic drivers that will enable sound output through this device? IT is...
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    'training' Mail

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    After Tiger, display problems in one program

    I have the program Cashflow 101 the e-game from the richdad company. It used to work fine on my machine, but after upgrading to Tiger, it no longer displays properly. The game DOES run, but the screen is black. If I mouse around, the various rollover buttons will activate, and the audio track...
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    BBedit won't take variable input!! Ack!

    Feels like I am having a diologue with myself, but for the interested reader, I solved this puzzle: Ok, that was weird! I finally figured out that BBedit was seeing something different in the replace text, than what Applescript was displaying on the screen. I clued in that setting the...
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    BBedit won't take variable input!! Ack!

    Hmm - progress, of a sorts. I have found the part in the script that is screwing things up. Just don't understand WHY or HOW it is screwing it up. Before I call the BBedit code, I trim the extension and the "." off of the filename that I am replacing, as per: tell application "Finder"...
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    BBedit won't take variable input!! Ack!

    Ok folks - I am going insane here! Just to make sure that the problem was not in some surrounding code (like where the BBedit tell was placed), I moved all of the BBedit stuff to its own handler, passed the variables to that handler then tried it there. on grep_it(current_name...
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    Wierd filename behaviour uploading iweb stuff...

    Just completed my first 'blog' in iweb (only three entries - just trying it out). Published to a folder in the 'sites' user area. uploaded via fTP to my server - it partially did it, then crapped out. (Server is an old mac, running OS 8.6) Uploaded it successfully (sort of) using...
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    Applescript recursive calls - help debugging please...

    Barhar, Mikuro - thanks so much for your help. Got it running successfully tonight! Woo hoo!
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    Applescript recursive calls - help debugging please...

    Trying to write code that recursively 'drills down' into nested folders, then applies a script to the contents of the bottom folders files. Here is the code so far - I have a structure with the following folders: temp>2006>Jan>Jan1>many files...
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    Automator/Apple script question...

    First - thanks for replying. While encouraging, the reply is somewhat cryptic! Allow me to re-phrase. Can you please tell me HOW to do this in automator? I see no way for automator to gather and parse string information from folders. Also, there does not seem to be a way to have it rename...
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    Automator/Apple script question...

    Hi - not a developer here, although I have some rudimentary sripting experience. Is it possible to have automator or applescript do the following: Given a folder with numerous sub folders, and sub - sub folders, go to the file level on each, extract the name of the containing folder...
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    Tiger won't play DVD from folder

    I have a few DVD's that I ripped to a video_TS folder on my external hard drive. They play fine in the Panther version of DVD player, but under Tiger, I get a 'media not supported' error. Restart under Panther - all is well. Under Tiger, even when using the old version of the DVD player, I...
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    Disk Utility or Super Duper

    Hmm - some dang cat or other - I guess I killed it while on a Safari! Wait - I got it, Panzer? Jaguar? Cheetah? Leopard? OS 10.3 win a prize? ;-) Thanks for the response! I will give it a shot (creating a disk image, not a bootable disk)
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    Disk Utility or Super Duper

    I have an external hard drive that currently has a Virgin Safari OS on it. My Laptop has Tiger. I want to clone my laptop hard drive, reformat it, install a fresh copy of Tiger, then migrate all my apps and prefs over from the external hard drive. I would like to keep the Safari installation...
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    Extending range of wireless network

    Thanks - i will look into the external antenna solution. No dice on moving the router though - it has to be within ethernet range of my fixed PC - in the basement. The wireless part is for the mac.