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  1. E

    the new G5 in maya Render benchmarks click the benchmark image, then the mental ray image. Its great to see it up there with the fastest intels and AMDs... Great news for the 3D Mac community... Elliot.
  2. E

    linux esque window manipulation...

    in linux I really like holding doen alt and right clicking anywhere inside a window to re-scale it, also by holding down alt and middle mouse clicking a window you can pan it around. This just save you having to find the title bar and clicking there... very nice. Just wondering if there is a way...
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    Memory test

    Ok I have just run TechTool Pro 4. Initially I ran a basic test under Suites. Everything passed except the memory - it got half way through and crashed. I will try this again after I post this. Second I did a hardware test - everything passed (including SMART) accept surface scan which came back...
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    Memory test

    so how about one of these - would I be able to replace my hard drive with a scsi hard drive? (if its the HD thats causing the problem)
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    Memory test

    Ill have a look at what the SMART test says and will post them here in a few hours (if I get a chance when I get back from work). I would rather have speed over space on a HD. Im running on a G4 MDD dual 1.25 - what speed is that drive and how fast can a drive goto? oh more money to spend...
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    Memory test

    its a G4 mdd 1.25 well I have a dvd burner so I will start backing up my stuff. And I will purchase disk warrior too. How much is a new HD?!??!
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    Memory test

    oh god.
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    Memory test

    perfessor101 - thanks for the advice. I will have a look at the software you recommend, and I will also take out one of the RAM sticks and test performance. This will leave Panther with only 256mb - is this enough? I had severe problems last night. it crashed while I was running Safari, and...
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    Memory test

    Panther (latest reslease) I have done all of the usual software tests - repair permissions, created new accounts, start up and type fsck-h (or something similar) and still no joy. The OS seems to perform ok, had a few permissions problems a while back but those are resolved. I posted the...
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    Memory test

    Well I am sure I can hunt down that cd somewhere - I have moved a lot recently :) Well I am just trying to trck down the problems I am having, and I have a feeling that it is bad ram. Over the weekend I experienced several system crashes (not kernal panics) where I would be using Pshop, or...
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    Memory test

    I dont think I still have that cd. Is there anywhere I can download it from?
  12. E

    Memory test

    I think I have dodgy ram or a dodgy hard drive in my G4 - is there a way I can test this? Thanks, Elliot
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    do 17" Studio Display (CRT) work on G3?

    I had used this monitor on a G4 and its fine, but just wondering if it works with the beige G3?
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    I am just doing a little spring cleaning (to follow up on a previous post - I opened a .mpg in QT, quite big - 370 mb, and suddenly the computer (think its the hard drive) starts crankin and cruching - sounded painful - the movie stops, as...
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    how much did u save on refurbished deals?

    how much did u save on refurbished deals? And have you ever had any problems?
  16. E

    how many crashes do you have in OSX?

    thats what I did. But I still think there some problems there... I have lost some of my stuff, as I said in a previous post - I lost my Itunes stuff. I think that a clean re-install is required, even if that doesnt solve the problem - at least that will put my mind at rest of it being a OS...
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    how many crashes do you have in OSX?

    thats annoying. I have been deleting most of the installers to my software 'I dont need that anymore' how you live and learn!
  18. E

    how many crashes do you have in OSX?

    so when backing up applications - whats the best thing to do? copy them onto a dvd or cd and then drag them back onto the system after the clean re-install? shurely I would have to re-install them and not drag and drop??
  19. E

    how many crashes do you have in OSX?

    Well I have an old usb hub - so maybe I will disconnect that. If I get time I will re-install it over the weekend, maybe I should back-up and re-format it? What type of install would you all recommend? I dont think its the Ram as its Kensington... but I need more anyway so perhaps I will remove...
  20. E

    how many crashes do you have in OSX?

    I am really confused. I have a G4 MDD 1.25 512 ram and running 10.3.4 and I seem to get a crash every other time I start the machine. I have done all the usual - repair permissions, started using a new admin user, mac sweeper, virus software etc. but I just seem to have problems. I hear from...