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    Getting the atime of an individual file

    I get -bash: stat: command not found when I try this.
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    Getting the atime of an individual file

    Is there a way of getting the atime (last access time) of an individual file using the Terminal?
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    Redirecting UDP packages

    Hi, I'm using a router and I have problems sending packages to my IP. The routers NAT doesn't send those packages to the correct computer. I need to send UDP packages to my own IP (not the local IP, but the one other people connect to) on port 10052, but they don't get sent to
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    What puzzles me is how a hacker can connect trough a port if there's nothing listening for a connection there...
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    This just came to me. So many people are afraid to be hacked and set up a firewall, router or something else. But to play games, you often have to open several ports. Those ports are likely to (should) be only used by the game. So, there should be no way a hacker can break into your computer...
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    Video Card for Powerbook G3

    You can't use the build-in video card in OS X, because it just won't work decently, and you can't update it either? Apple should be ashamed.
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    Video Card for Powerbook G3

    What's the best video card for a Powerbook G3 that I can get for (preferably not more than) $150?
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    Launching Carbon app in 0S 9 on OS X

    Is there a way to force a Carbon app to run its OS 9 version on OS X?
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    OpenGL problems

    I can only play OpenGL games in full screen mode. If that game doesn't support full screen or I try to switch to windowed I get something like: "Couldn't set (initialize, maybe?) pixel size." Is this just me, or do other people have this too?
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    Rerouting connection?

    I bought it, the CD version, but what does that have to do with this?
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    Some sort of alias

    In your example the app save in preferencesFolder, but my app saves in it's own folder. How would I point an alias to ~/Documents? I think this is what I'm looking for.
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    Some sort of alias

    I mean something else. An example: There's a file called 'config' in the folder of an app, where the app stores its preferences. However, this causes that each time another user launches that app, he must change the preferences back to the way he likes them. If I could link it to the...
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    Some sort of alias

    Is it possible to create some sort of alias that points to say Home/Documents, so it's different for every user?
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    Rerouting connection?

    I used Hostal.
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    Rerouting connection?

    Thanks, that works. I use an app, tho and i was wondering where the host file is.
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    Rerouting connection?

    I have this game (Jazz Jackrabbit 2) which is rather old and the list server is down. The users have set up the own listserver ( to replace the old one ( I was wondering if it is possible to make it so that if JJ2 tries to connect to