Search results

  1. T

    Does .Mac limit creativity?

    I certainly won't be upgrading to Tiger immediately after it comes out-I'll wait about six months or so for the kinks to be worked out (and to get a processor upgrade for my blue and white fast enough to handle Tiger;-)
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    Does .Mac limit creativity?

    If you want CGI, multiple scripting languages, databases, your own domain or a large number of email addresses, then .Mac is not the option for you. There are many other web hosts out there that offer all that and more for half or less what .Mac charges. The main thing .Mac has going for it...
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    WebDAV and Win2K

    I set up webDAV on my Debian server using Apache's mod_dav plugin. On my Mac OS X box at home, it works as it should: I can log in, load the DAV folder on my desktop, upload and download files, delete files, etc. On the Windows 2000 box however, I get "This is not a valid web folder" when I...
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    Secure Form Script?

    Yep, that's it exactly. One of those forms where you fill in your name/email/and a short note, and click submit. I want to use a contact form in place of mailto: links on my website because spammers have software that collects email addresses off web pages, even if they're not clearly displayed...
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    Secure Form Script?

    Anyone know of a secure form script I can use? One that can't be easily hijacked to send spam messages to others nor one where a spammer can easily get my email address from the form to send spam to me? Links to the script would be much appreciated, and it can be Perl, python or php.
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    Alternative to Toast?

    Firestarter looks like a good suggestion, I'll try it. Any others? And yes, I know VueScan is for scanners, I just mentioned it as a shareware application, to illustrate that I preferred a shareware CD burning app.
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    Alternative to Toast?

    I'm looking for an alternative to the Toast CD burning app. Toast 5.2.1 on my system has been giving me buffer underrun problems, and Roxio is making it a pain to upgrade. The replacement app I'm looking for needs to have at least three attributes: - runs under OS X - does CD copying at...
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    How long do you go before rebooting?

    Like legacyb4, my system usually only restarts after system updates and occaisional application misbehavior. Classic is an example of this; if a Classic app brings down the Classic environment, or I have to kill Classic for some reason, usually I've got to restart the whole system to bring...
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    Built in virus protection in mac os?

    Just to be a devil's advocate here, the mp3 proof-of-concept thing could just be the beginning. The next time it could be a real virus or worm. And if Apple starts bragging about how virus-free their OS is, they practically guarantee some virus hacker will write a virus or worm, and a good...
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    [HOWTO] - Launch and run VNC server remotely

    The advantage of VNC vs. Remote Desktop is that VNC can be used between a variety of different operating systems. For example, I can set up a VNC server on my Mac at home and connect to it with a VNC client on a Windows machine at work. As mkwan said, Remote Desktop is strictly Mac-to-Mac.
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    Good script language to learn?

    Another good language to look into is php: Good for most of the same things Perl and Python are, and you may find it's syntax more to your liking.
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    What's up with system prices?

    I feel I must point out that 3% market share comes out to approximately $10 billion in yearly sales-nothing to sneeze at. Apple also has over $4.5 billion in cash and cash equivalents, and recently paid off the last of its debt. Fat cash reserves, decent income, and NO debt-a great position...
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    Macs At Work

    How many of you work at companies where Macs are the majority, or the only system used? And what does that company do? I'm curious to find out if Macs are still holding their own in certain niches, or even possibly moving to new ones.
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    Os 9 Ftp Server, File Server, Etc.

    NetPresenz is a good FTP and web server for OS 9-I've used it on my system to good effect before I upgraded to OS X. It's also fairly cheap, at least compared to WebStar. It's not quite as heavy-duty as WebStar, but I don't think you need a heavy-duty app for what you've got in mind. It's...
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    ClarisWorks/AppleWorks Discussion List

    Do you use AppleWorks or it's earlier version ClarisWorks on a regular basis? Have you wondered if there's an email discussion list for this fine program? Well, there is! At Membership to the list is free and you gain the help of experienced...
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    [HOWTO] - Launch and run VNC server remotely

    You can even put the "open /Applications/OSXvnc" command in a shell script with a short name like "startvnc" and run it from an SSH shell. That's what I do.
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    CSS and Older Browsers

    I'm thinking seriously about updating my personal site, a table-based layout, to exclusively CSS. But I'm wondering about how it will look in older browsers, 4.0 and under. Do any of you worry about that anymore? Do you keep track of the browsers used by visitors to...
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    Fixed AppleWorks recent items

    A very intriguing fix, jweijers. I hope you don't mind, I've posted it to the AppleWorks discussion list I run, at So expect a temporary increase in traffic to your site :D . Don't worry, it's not like you've been slashdotted or anything, the list only has a few...
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    Nimda attack

    Nimda only affects Windows boxes, so you have no need to worry. You might want to take note of the IP address, and track down the owner of that IP address and let them know they are infected. Use the Traceroute, Lookup and Whois panes on Network Utility. That is only good 'Net citizenship.
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    Remote Server Monitoring

    Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately I won't have access to the firewall or router for this server I'm looking after. Any other suggestions? Any remote monitoring apps out there for the Mac?