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  1. D

    This is funny IMHO

    Hehe. But um, what fineprint?!
  2. D

    Use battery or A/C? - Powerbook

    No, that's not necessary. Feed it some electricity to charge the battery. You may use the laptop as the battery is being charged, or you can have it either in sleep mode or shut down. The only diff is the time it'd take for the battery to fully charge. Obviously, it'd charge more quickly if...
  3. D

    Use battery or A/C? - Powerbook

    Yup, that's it. When it sent itself to sleep on its own, that's when it was time to recharge the battery. The reason why you got a battery warning when 20 mins still remained is that it needs to be calibrated.... it's way off on its estimate of how much time remains.
  4. D

    Use battery or A/C? - Powerbook

    It does. Very little of it. Not a big difference, IMO. Not worth the having to wait for it to START UP the next time you want to use it. After the computer sends itself to sleep, there's still a bit of power in it. Apple reccomends that when you get the window alerting you that little...
  5. D

    Use battery or A/C? - Powerbook

    I pretty much ignore the window; I might save all my work at that point. After a few minutes, the computer will go to sleep by itself. At that point I recharge the battery. I believe that's what is meant by letting the battery drain completely.
  6. D

    Use battery or A/C? - Powerbook

    It should recharge when it goes under 95%. I keep my iBook connected to electricity and because I move it around a lot, the plug (glowing light) loses its firm grasp and the iBook thinks it's not connected anymore. As soon as I realize this, I adjust the plug so that the iBook maintain its...
  7. D

    September 11

    And while less than fifteen people gathered around a monument erected at my local park (Southern California) in remembrance of the victims of September 11, my 20+ buddies and I played soccer like we do every Thursday. Others walked around the park, and many jogged. A day like any other. It...
  8. D

    internet connection reminder

    I think I got it. System Preferences --> Network At the top of the window you'll see "Location". Under that, you'll see "Show". Click on the pop-up menu next to "Show". Select Network Port Configurations. Remove the checkmark next to "Internal Modem". Click on "Apply Now", at the...
  9. D

    Web Publishing: HTML for 'Switchers'

    As you're learning raw HTML, this might come handy: Taco HTML Edit I use... BBEdit Lite
  10. D

    G5 vs. 17" PowerBook vs. 17" iMac

    Yeah, they'd be an improvement over what he has now, but going from a desktop to a laptop is a greater change than going from a G3 to a G4 system, I say.
  11. D

    G5 vs. 17" PowerBook vs. 17" iMac

    If I had that, I'd definitely consider an iBook 900mhz. It'd be a low-cost move-up.
  12. D

    Safari and Google

    If the above didn't do what you wanted... While Safari is active, go to the menu bar and click on "Safari". Select "Preferences". Click "Autofill". There is probably a checkmark next to "Other Forms". To the right of that text there should be a button that says "Edit". Click. Look for...
  13. D

    Safari and Google

    On the left side of the text-box where you enter the keywords you want to search for in google, there is an image of a magnifying glass. When you click that image, a menu pops up. At the bottom of the menu, it says "Clear Entries". Try that.
  14. D

    Great XHTML manual?

    I can't see myself trusting WYSIWYG editors. I use BBEdit Lite (free). Are there actually people who use WYSIWYG even though they can code raw HTML? What are the benefits? I fear the editor would add an unnecessary character too many... enough reason not to trust it. I like to know the...
  15. D

    rumor sites

    Lets get some out of the way...
  16. D

    Use eMac with aiport card as basestation?

    Simple answer... You need two Macs... each with an airport card. Then you can use as a base station the mac that is connected to the internet. Drawback... the computer directly connected to the internet must be ON at anytime that you want to be online on the other computer.
  17. D

    calling any and all MATH gurus!

    arden... I know how your t became an exponent [a*Ln(b)=Ln(b^a)], but I don't recall ever seeing that Ln(a)/Ln(b)=Ln(a/b). If the preceding equation is true, then our answers are the same.
  18. D

    calling any and all MATH gurus!

    I really doubt the answer I gave you is correct. But hey, nobody else is giving it a shot, so let me show you what I did... Your equation: P=e^( [ -Ln(2) / H ] * t ) Take LN of both sides: Ln(P)=Ln(e( [ -Ln(2) / H ] * t ) ) Because ln(e^x)=x... Ln(P)=[ -Ln(2) / H ] * t...
  19. D

    calling any and all MATH gurus!

    I'm sure it's been longer since I took a calculus class. Just curious... would the value of H be equal to....? H=[-Ln(2)*T] / Ln(P) Any way for you to test if that's the answer? I wish I hadn't given away my TI89... :)