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  1. D

    web hosting recommendation

    The response is the same, They have a business plan of ten bucks a month, offering 999MB webspace and 15GB bandwidth. That's more than I'll ever need, but hey, if your site is that popular, more power to you. :) Edited to add: I've seen other Mac users recommending
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    web hosting recommendation

    Are you sure you mean 100 to 150 bucks a month? How much webspace do you need? How much bandwidth? CGI? PHP? POP/IMAP? icdsoft keeps me happy. 333MB space, 5GB bandwidth, five bucks a month the first year, and forty bucks a year upon renewal the following year.
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    Does .Mac limit creativity?

    I used .Mac when it was still free and called iTools. Since then I've gone through several webhosts until I landed with ICDSoft (333MB webspace, 5GB bandwidth, Unlimited Email addresses, MySQL, PHP, etc., for five bucks a month). Apple provides freebies for its .Mac members, but to this day I...
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    Airport busted

    It might be to your benefit to go over this Apple article and this one. When I hard-reset my Dual-Ethernet Airport Base Station I had to keep some things in mind, so it helped to follow step by step. Did you try connecting to the base station through a cable? Did you have the correct...
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    Why not an Airport BaseStation with ADSL?

    Make that an Apple Airport Extreme (or Express) Base Station if you want to extend the network through wireless-bridging using Airport Express. If you wish to extend the network through wired-bridging, any base station (AFAIK) should do the trick. Myself, for a couple of years I used a...
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    Web Stats Software

    I like how tells me what pages my visitors looked at in the same visit; that is, the path they took around my site. If anyone knows of cheap (under ten bucks) software I can install on my site that can do this, do tell. I'm interested 'cause I don't like the idea of relying on...
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    Reliable inexpensive web-hosting For 5 bucks a month... 333MB, 5GB, 5 Subdomains, 1 MySQL, Unlimited Emails, and much more. I've had them for year and a half... best host I've ever used. Give them a shot... 30 day money back guarantee.
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    Funny Apple Support

    Well there's an article I could have written!
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    OS X - Software (some questions)

    Although I'm a SubEthaEdit user myself, there is a free version of BBEdit. It's BBEdit Lite. Other free software I suggest : Adium (Instant Messager for AOL, Yahoo, MSN...) RBrowser Lite (FTP client) Playlist Player (Create playlists of quicktime movies.)
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    ibook wireless

    It should work just fine. For my school (CSUN), I had to register the Machine Address Code (MAC) before I could have access to the college's network.
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    350 Mhz Bondi Blue iMac - Wireless?

    Great suggestions, Bob. Cheaper.
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    350 Mhz Bondi Blue iMac - Wireless?

    I have an iMac DV400. It's part of my wireless network. For that to happen, not only did I need an airport card but also an Apple Airport Card Adapter. The adapter itself would set you back about 15 bucks at eBay. The card... about 100 bucks.
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    How do I make my own online Radio Station?
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    Misspelling On Services Page

    Good catch, Natobasso. False. Even regular members (as opposed to moderators/administrators) make an effort to keep their messages as readable as possible; you've seen those Edited by xxxxx on yyyyy, no? This is not to say that we should point the finger at the person responsible for the...
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    Only if ....

    Yup. Same problem. Here's the mirror hotlinked in the page. mirror
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    Old iBook to new iBook

    I edited while (as far as I knew) there had been no replies yet. A shower does wonders. I came out of it thinking, "What the hell be rude for?" so I removed most words and left enough to invite an elaborate response from you. I got it. Thanks.
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    Old iBook to new iBook

    Thanks Randman. Much better.
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    Old iBook to new iBook

    This works for me in Panther: Try starting your computer from the CD that installs the operating system. Insert CD. Let it load. Restart holding the "C" key. Once it's all booted up and running off the CD, go to the menubar and look for "change administrator password" or something to that...
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    Old iBook to new iBook

    Please elaborate.