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    Affects of PHP MySQL

    ummm php is is already installed on macs? is this true? As for setting up php and mysql. I think we need to make a sticky in this forum of links to php and and mysql binary installs. For beginners and testing environments this is the best thing to do...
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    open src alternatives to virtual pc

    Hmm thats a good idea I never thought about that. Which app should i look into for windows remote desktop or is built into windows?
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    javascript td bgcolor change

    right on... <td bgcolor="#666666" onMouseOver="'#cccccc'" onMouseOut="'#666666'">&nbsp;</td> seems to work on safari, firefox on mac and IE pc... thanks hateeternal.
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    open src alternatives to virtual pc

    ....for sure chronbe. Although im not interested in running doom 3 emulated. Im just looking for win to run IE thats it. So im not really worried about speed or anything.
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    Dynamic read of iTunes Library

    well theres something like this but thats not as fun as my way ;)
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    javascript td bgcolor change

    i know, i know, change the div background with CSS. Id like to, but I wish clients would stop using IE.... Does anyone know how to change a TD bgcolor with javascript?
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    open src alternatives to virtual pc

    qeumx... was i supposed to install qemu first?
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    open src alternatives to virtual pc

    ya i got stuck on the install. It says that its checking disc size before installing windows andf then just hangs there....i let it run for over an hour twice. Dam..... anyone else have experience with this?
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    open src alternatives to virtual pc

    wow never heard of that....excellent. Has anyone tried qemux? does it work well?
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    open src alternatives to virtual pc

    hey all, Does anyone know if there is any other option to virtual pc? I REALLY need to test my sites in IE for PC but dont have the cash for virtual pc.... i was hoping something stable and open src..... Thanks
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    Dynamic read of iTunes Library

    xml parsing in php4 is a bit of a pain in the butt, BUT it can be done. On request of the document... have the php file use get_file_contents() to the local path of the xml document on your machine, just to get the xml data to your webserver, then parse it in php...
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    automount network drives in panther

    hey all. right now i have shorcuts to my network drives in finder which is great but they dont mount until I click them. Is there anyway to have these network drives mount on boot? Thanks
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    XML Viewer software wanted

    theres an app .... its more for coding actionscript classes but it has a cool xml interface called SEPY
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    javascript iframe src

    excellent thats good to know... thanks alot hateeternal.
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    javascript iframe src

    Hey all.... If you go to my site ...theres a problem that I need help with.... if you click on a link... it loads into the iframe....but if you click it again it will not reload the frame src. Any ideas why this happens, or suggestions on how to fix it? I was thinking...
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    JPEG file download via PHP in IE

    how about out putting the image into a pop up window with instructions to right click - save it?
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    JPEG file download via PHP in IE

    could you tar or zip the file on the fly and prompt for that download? The browser may know what to do a bit better with this format maybe?
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    GoLive or Dreamweaver?

    HAHAHAH dam straight. I think what mdnky is saying is that when you are designing for other purposes than straight html, apps like bbedit are what you need to use. If you have ever coded larger php applications you will know what I mean. Now and then I open my php files in DW and they totally...
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    posting icons

    hi admins/devs/mods..... This is the second thread I make about this...I know youre busy, but is there ANY chance we will one day have icons showing which threads we've contributed to? All the forums I belong to have this feature on and its beautifil...... I can come into a board and see...