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  1. macguy17

    New rule?: Annoyances

    You are annoying me.
  2. macguy17

    Question - Answer

    Erase the part where xoot comes in :D What is this sound? (when there click here it is )
  3. macguy17

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Well this is a stupid Photoshop I made. Its really stupid, so don't laugh at me :D Note to self: Practice more :p
  4. macguy17

    my desktop > your desktop *pic*

    Here's Another desktop Pic. Guess which computer this is? :D And here is the requested desktop:
  5. macguy17

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Who's complaining about an 8500? I love that lil ol machine. It was truly my first Mac that was really mine *sniff*
  6. macguy17

    my desktop > your desktop *pic*

    The Lady Luck was Lando Carlrissian's ship. That was a picture of it xoot.
  7. macguy17

    my desktop > your desktop *pic*

    The Lady Luck :D
  8. macguy17 word association!

  9. macguy17 word association!

  10. macguy17 word association!

    sun burn
  11. macguy17

    my desktop > your desktop *pic*

    Hey thought I'd contribute. Desktop Picture Click on Desktop picture when you're there. (I have like 8 desktop pictures total... This happened to be the current one[changedesktop rules!])
  12. macguy17 word association!

    Roller Coasters (roler coAster enthusiast here!)
  13. macguy17

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    It runs all right... It's an 8500 running OS 9.1, with 492 MB RAM. It runs pretty good, but... can't compare to my iMac :D Anyway, I use my iMac and 8500 about the same, using the 8500 for Photoshop AIM seti@home etc. and my iMac for web/games. Mostly it comes down to 8500:9 iMac:X :D
  14. macguy17 word association!

  15. macguy17

    Congrats to Bluefusion!!!

    Ok let me clarify. •My dad has ALL the computers in our house hooked up on a network. •Our ISP AT&T does not allow us to run web servers, hotline/carracho servers etc. •However all the computers on our home network can view the web page, connect to hotline/carracho server, etc., while...
  16. macguy17

    Help! I'm surrounded!

    LUCKY! We have first generation iMacs, 2 G3s, and the rest are... old. Of course, at my new high school, my OLD computer is faster than theirs. Of course, it is upgraded...
  17. macguy17

    Question - Answer

    I find it very amusing. (bluefusion war was beginning!) what happen? somebody set us up the bomb. what? we get signal! good afternoon gentleman all your base are belong to us you are on the path to destruction what he say? you have no chance to survive make your time Question: What...
  18. macguy17

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    hey... congrats on the erm... new? old? computer BB. It wasn;t very fun in Tahoe... Nothing to do. Spent more time watching TV there than I probably have in the last 6 months :D
  19. macguy17

    Congrats to Bluefusion!!!

    Haha, I would host my own site but my ISP hates it when we host servers, so my site can only be seen on our network. Congrats Bluefusion! Remember when... :D