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  1. marz

    iBook display comes and goes

    I've had my iBook dual usb for just over a year. Apple contacted me right before my warranty was to expire to sell me the AppleCare package, but I declined, then like magic (black magic) my display started acting all flakey. It would go off and flicker on, and if I give it a nice *squeeze*...
  2. marz

    When will jag come??

    I preordered my copy from Amazon on July 30th and it looks like it *finally* shipped yesterday. Good grief! But I did get in before they yanked the rebate ... :D
  3. marz

    this is kinda funny

    I actually have XMEN in my dock ... or is it OMEN? OroborOSX | Mozilla | Explorer | Newsflash Have fun!
  4. marz

    Windows Terminal Client

    The "-a" was the solution! I just modified my shell script to include that parameter and it works beautifully!! Thanks!!
  5. marz

    Windows Terminal Client

    I've compiled rdesktop several times, and included all the mods in this thread, from tbenning, and from Gray Fox, but my keyboard map is still messed up when I connect to a terminal server - my "m" key gives me a "c", "s" appears to be "esc", "r" looks like it's "tab", "e" is backspace or...
  6. marz

    Palm woes ...

    I'm posting a reply for posterity - and since I never found a good answer online anywhere .... What I did was, go into OS X - System Preferences - OS 9 - and rebuild the desktop - then I started up Classic. For the heck of it, I tried installing Avantgo in Classic ... and loe and behold it...
  7. marz

    Palm woes ...

    I ran hotsync, and configured it to overwrite the mac .... that seemed to help a little, as long as I have the hotsync window open, I can used the Instant Desktop to get to Hotsync or Edit Users, but if I close it, I get the File not found error. So it looks like somewhere there's a preference...
  8. marz

    Palm woes ...

    OK - the beta of Palm Desktop 4 for OS X - I uninstalled it, I've uninstalled my OS 9 version of Palm Desktop 2.6.3, I've reinstalled 2.6.3, it sync's fine, but won't allow me to get into the menu item Edit Users - I get a "File Not Found" error and I can't get avantgo to install because the...
  9. marz

    No more OS9! Now how do I reinstall AppleWorks?

    So I went and deleted OS9 ... to free up some HDD space on my 10GB iBook ... and since I never used it anyway (right?)... but now I've found that I deleted AppleWorks too ... since it was installed in the Appplications (Mac os 9) directory ... so now how do I reinstall it? I found the...
  10. marz

    Code editor - recommendation??

    I'm looking for a nice text editor to do all types of scripting - something like TextPad which I use at work on my PC. Does anyone have any recommendations? TextPad if you're not familiar with it, does syntax highlighting, and you can import or create your own language syntax files and...
  11. marz

    Allaire (macromedia) Homesite: Is it finally here?

    I wrote Macromedia's Customer Service to find out if they have any plans for an OS X version of Homesite, here's their response: "Currently, we do not have plans to release a version of HomeSite for Mac OS X. Thank you, Macromedia Customer Service"
  12. marz

    Allaire (macromedia) Homesite: Is it finally here?

    I would buy it in advance if they said they'd make it - there just isn't anything that compares - in the meantime - I'm using BlueFish (via Fink) which is similiar but not as complete - you have to have Xfree86 running - but it still beats using BBEDIT - :confused: how anyone can use that and...
  13. marz

    ugh! - How do you burn an ISO file or copy a cd in X?

    I'm really really trying to "think different" but just can't figure out how to make a cd from an ISO file without first mounting it and then copying it's contents to an empty cd that's in my cdrw drive on my desktop. This just doesn't make much sense to me :confused: . I should be able to...
  14. marz

    XFree86 software on OS X

    FINK is AWESOME!!! I've got xfree86-rootless running on my new iBook with Gimp and Bluefish - I edited my xinitrc file in /etc/X11/xinit and remarked out TWM, and replaced it with /sw/bin/sawfish after I had FINK install it for me. Since it's rootless and I don't need all the extra stuff...