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  1. verlorenengel

    Story of a lonely guy... (without his mac)

    Oh god. So my new powermac is going to arrive some time next week, let's say Friday next week. Today is wednesday... I have to survive over a week, on XP. This is hell, it really is. I never thought I'd see the day where I advocated Apple over Microsoft, I normally approach them both as...
  2. verlorenengel

    about to sell g4 ... to buy newer model?

    Umm.. I think she's going to give me 1500 for it, or around there.. I just told her whatever you can over 1200.
  3. verlorenengel

    about to sell g4 ... to buy newer model?

    Well... I sold my Dual 500 and it's all gone. I made the mistake of taking a trip to the local apple centre and now I'm signed up for a dual 1gig coming next week. Not that I regret it, but I'm sure my wallet would have rather been left in the car at the time. I had a play around on the...
  4. verlorenengel

    OSX WebCams

    Hey people, Can someone recommend a good osx compatible webcam? I used to have a kodak webcam for my pc and it was very sharp and clear unlike those poxy Logitech cams, are there any webcams for osx/mac that are sharp/good picture quality and not blurry/fuzzy/logitech-like??:) Thanks heaps
  5. verlorenengel

    about to sell g4 ... to buy newer model?

    Yeah I'm leaning towards just buying it.. I mean hell, worst case scenario it'll last me a year and I'll upgrade same time next year. I'm selling it for $1000 odd to a friend so it's kind of a favour/just for her type dealio. As for what I do - professional / power user, I do alot of web...
  6. verlorenengel

    about to sell g4 ... to buy newer model?

    Hi guys, I'm about to sell my beloved dual 500 g4 for a dirt cheap price of $1000 odd AUD in the next two weeks, I was planning on dropping by the local applestore to pick up a dual 1.0 g4 but am having second thoughts about it. The question is... Should I wait until say July for a newer...
  7. verlorenengel

    Motorola breaks the speed barrier - 1.0ghz... Intel demos 5ghz chip.

    Ahh yes Finder. What were they thinking making the main filesystem browser / backend to the display system Carbon. ?!
  8. verlorenengel

    Motorola breaks the speed barrier - 1.0ghz... Intel demos 5ghz chip.

    Well obviously internet explorer is one of the most commonly used applications right? And it stinks. But what are the alternatives? This is what happens when I download a file with IE: 1. Annoyed because it appears to have no multithreading 2. Start up OmniWeb 3. 15minutes later (or...
  9. verlorenengel

    Motorola breaks the speed barrier - 1.0ghz... Intel demos 5ghz chip.

    I find my dual 500 very slo with a majority of osx applications.. In contrast when I first bought it, running os9 it was blazing fast.. and I assume os9 would do the dual 500 justice.. Pity about X I guess. I think carbon apps are the worst hit on my machine, native cocoa apps can be slow but...
  10. verlorenengel

    Motorola breaks the speed barrier - 1.0ghz... Intel demos 5ghz chip.

    What the hell is wrong with Motorola? I'm losing faith in Motorola and consequently Apple day by day. I just bought a dual athlon 1.4 system with a ultra160 scsi drive (15000rpm) for less than the price of the entry model G4 which is what, 800 odd mhz? Don't get me wrong I love OSX and...
  11. verlorenengel

    Post your df -kl here!

    [kaneda:~] admtm% df -kl Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/disk0s9 15019680 4136552 10883128 27% / fdesc 1 1 0 100% /dev /dev/disk1s9 40016232 1320444 38695788 3% /Volumes/angelfish /dev/disk3 5072...
  12. verlorenengel

    Some1's Selling An iBook... And... ( u know me... PC User! LOL)

    In that case... I'd say its something with the windows machine. Run through it all and double check everything is turned on, enabled etc for file sharing... You can always ftp to the mac box from the pc.. just get an ftp client and connect to aslong as file sharing/ftp is turned...
  13. verlorenengel

    Some1's Selling An iBook... And... ( u know me... PC User! LOL)

    Open up in osx (apps/utils) and ping the PC. do this by typing ping then jump to the pc and goto command prompt, do the same except for the mac. ping If either one doesnt return replies then you know theres something wrong with the network setup...
  14. verlorenengel

    Some1's Selling An iBook... And... ( u know me... PC User! LOL)

    I have an intellimouse wireless explorer, works fine.. I still prefer my standard MS optical mouse though - the wireless explorer doesnt seem to be as accurate.
  15. verlorenengel

    Some1's Selling An iBook... And... ( u know me... PC User! LOL) - your ultimate source for mac software, use it wisely it is your friend! personally, i recommend Interarchy (as robust as wsftp/bpftp for pc) with a nicer interface. Transmit is okay for small files, and it resembles the PC gui (left hand view / right...
  16. verlorenengel

    The REAL you...

    Ah neat. Well, after I bankrupt myself on new wheels/tyres, sidesteps and spotlights for my jeep (amber fire 2001 wrangler:)) I'll have to start spending money on some better clothes, and a new powermac when mr jobs and motorola eventually release one!
  17. verlorenengel

    The REAL you...

    But that'll just make it easier for microsofts passport/.NET to catalog us all if the user photos are all in one place. ;)
  18. verlorenengel

    The REAL you... - The sexy one of the group ;) oh yeah ulrik i really like the trenchcoat. i'm going to have to get me one of them for winter! where'd you get yours? off the net or are the clothing stores in germany better than brisbane (doubt i will find a place that...