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  1. kanecorp

    iBook sighting in NYC Subway ad!

    yea, infact, i'd be insulted if i saw AOL on a Mac ;)
  2. kanecorp

    iPod integration pic

    very cool
  3. kanecorp

    itunes 4.0.1

    i use it on my pc
  4. kanecorp

    itunes 4.0.1

    i updated, who cares about internet sharing, i have Kazaa
  5. kanecorp

    Firewire hard drive: Doubles as a hub

    who keeps all that stuff?!?! and its a no namer
  6. kanecorp

    Firewire hard drive: Doubles as a hub

    well thats not true... I have mine hooked up to my computer and saved directly to the firewire disk all the time..w/ no problems
  7. kanecorp

    Firewire hard drive: Doubles as a hub

    Alright although i think this question was answered in another post a few minutes ago, i just wanna get this right.... WEll i have an external fireware hard drive, and it has two firewire ports on the back of it. One is going to the computer obvoiusly, and the other isn't doing anything. I...
  8. kanecorp

    Why do you place every single app in your dock?

    i have 14 items in my dock including the trash and finder i like it uncluttered
  9. kanecorp

    Panther Details

    yea i dont mind giving them my $69.99 student fee. I like helping out the little guy
  10. kanecorp


    Yea whats the point of doing that stuff!?!
  11. kanecorp

    Vote for Mac OS X!

    i voted..and we're still winning:)
  12. kanecorp

    iPod shipped!

    very cool!
  13. kanecorp

    AAC tags?

    wha? seriously you didn't know it could be done with itunes??
  14. kanecorp offline?

    yea they're not online
  15. kanecorp

    dumb superdrive question!

    yeah thanks alot alright so i'll buy 2x and hope for the best:)
  16. kanecorp

    dumb superdrive question!

    i have the 800mhz imac w/ superdrive this is before any updates came the original one.. what speed is my superdrive? I wanna buy some dvdrs but i need to know what speed it is first..2x..4x ?? thanks
  17. kanecorp

    So how many of you have switched?

    i use both- i have my pc and mac right next to each other
  18. kanecorp

    Safari Beta 2 (v73) officially out!

    yea thats weird and annoying..