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  1. S

    my stance for macs.

    Hmmm... as for the Windows API it's basicly just a big load of cr*p!!! ... I'll take GTK+/Gnome programming over it _any_ day... Ever wonder why the Windows API documentation ships on a DVD rom ?? .. it's your DLL h*ll all over again. I havent had the time to study the Cocoa API yet.. (just...
  2. S

    HDD for G3 B/W

    Are you using an ATA66 cable or an ATA33 cable (the 33 cable has 40 pins.. and the 66 cable has slightly more than that.. can remember how many!)
  3. S

    HDD for G3 B/W

    You can see the dual frame here Why dont you just do like i do .. (provided of course you dont use SCSI disks!.. they're way to hot!) ... I just mount the master driver in the frame, and put the slave drive on top of it .. no...
  4. S

    HDD for G3 B/W

    Have you tried to run the HD Corruption test program ( .. try it with a 2048 mb. file, and 4-5 read passes, and please post your results... I'm currently running mine from a 4.5 gb SCSI-W :( btw.. if you have a dual drive mounting...
  5. S

    HDD for G3 B/W

    If you have a Revision 1 B/W, i would stay either buy a new ATA IDE controller, or go SCSI.. rev.1. B/W's have a faulty IDE controller when used with big IDE disks in DMA mode. :( I've had good experiences with both IBM and Maxtor in my B/W.
  6. S

    Why do these damn Dell PC's keep getting faster?!

    Having just purchased my very first mac, (after using pc's for a decade or so), i must say that i'm very happy with it's speed... I'm running Mac OS 10.1.4 on it, and besides from starting up apps, it's running very smoothly. It's a B/W G3 400 Rev 1, 384 mb. ram... I know the Rev. 1...