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  1. L

    Burning a .CDR image onto a DVD

    Creating images in osx is easy as pie when you use DVD Imager (
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    is it possible to change the appearance in os x? as in complete makeover

    you can do that with least, it's possible. go to and was just looking at pre-put-together skins on there two days ago. they have a skin that makes it look like Classic....i found that funny :)
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    help: OSX can't read DVD

    I have a super drive, and it reads dvd+r's...a different system though, I have a 15" pb, 1.67ghz. i dunno if that helps in any way.
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    Tiger Exchange/media sent on DVD

    i believe apple accepts returns under certain circumstances. not really sure if those pertain to you or not, but someone in this forum returned their copy recently. and just so you know, the reason you have to pay for the CD's is probably because it costs apple more to produce the...
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    Decent Printers?

    Hey all...I'm looking at getting a new printer. Hopefully something in the $100 range, so nothing too extensive. All I'd really like is for it to print nice photos, and text...not planning on opening up a photo lab or doing any extremely fine high-res work or anything...the biggest thing would...
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    what exactling is prebinding?
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    User - nobody (-2)

    well...that's certainly funnier than what i was gonna say :)
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    QT Pro 7 Export Problem

    well...for anyone who's interested, i tinkered with it some more last night, and i changed the export settings from h.264 to mpeg-4 to see if it would work, and it did. it exported to a QT movie. now i guess my question is why would it screw up while exporting using h.264? is that...
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    QT Pro 7 Export Problem

    that's not a problem...that's because you have the unregistered version. it's a crippling effect of shareware so you can test its features...if you pay $9.99 for the player, you will be able to load the entire wmv. i'm going to test out some smaller wmv's and see if I can convert them. if...
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    QT Pro 7 Export Problem

    So, I have this .wmv file (a bit over 300mb) that I wanted to convert to QT format so I can burn it to DVD through iDVD. So I got the Flip4Mac player that will allow me to play .wmv files in QT. Got the .wmv in QT, clicked on Export, set it up to export it to a Quicktime movie, and let it...
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    viewing .3gp converted by quicktime pro on a nokia 7600

    in an attempt to replicate the problem, i took an 8mb quicktime movie, and converted it to a .3gp...the result was the video file with no sound? any idea why the sound was stripped out?
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    repair disk permissions password??

    hey, server involved. just me. i was repairing on my hard drive. but like i said, it seems just fine now...doesn't ask me for a username/password...and when it DID ask me for a username/password, the "username" field wasn't filled in already or anything, like it usually is.
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    repair disk permissions password??

    when I repair disk permissions, it goes through and finishes up and at the end it requests the admin username/password to make changes to DiskMaintenance or something like that. So I tried entering the admin info I always use when installing something (my password is blank because there's not...
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    SCSI on 10.4

    There seems to be a solution on the front page of macfixit today -
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    MP3 -> Wav??

    figures it'd be that easy...i wish i didn't have to be without my damn powerbook all day and be shackled to this ... machine. :)
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    Can I use the OSX Tiger disc to install and upgrade it on my OSX 10.1 iMac?

    I have a question similar to this...if someone has 10.1, for example, can they make the jump right to Tiger with an Upgrade, or would they have to do a totally clean install?
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    MP3 -> Wav??

    So...I know I can import a track from CD as .wav with iTunes, and I can chop it up in iTunes...but is there any way to convert an mp3 -> wav? i know there are programs that do it for pc's...and i'm not really worried about quality loss, as I'm going to be using the wav as a ringtone (phone...
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    Archive & Install Questions

    you guys rule...thanks! :)
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    Archive & Install Questions

    cool cool...yeah, to be honest, I haven't even put the Tiger DVD in my drive yet, but I got the upgrade from the Up-To-Date place, so I'm not even sure if it has the Clean Install option? I did consider it, though...and getting a FW drive is a pretty pricy thing, no? Thanks for all the help...
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    Archive & Install Questions

    So I think I'm going to make the switch in the upcoming weeks, and was planning on doing an Archive & Install, as opposed to a straight Upgrade. From what I've read, it's somewhat like a clean install, but it creates a folder "Old System"? And when I'm done, I can drag my programs back over to...