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  1. H

    Freezing for no apparent reason + question about force quitting

    Yeah I did that too, and it still seems to be happening :(
  2. H

    Freezing for no apparent reason + question about force quitting

    Hey all, sincere apologies if this is a rpeat thread, but I did a search and couldn't seem to find anything similar to what I've been experiencing. For the past few days, at very random times, my computer sometimes freezes, as in, it doesn't let me click on anything. For example, I was...
  3. H

    Weird Mouse Double Click

    I apologise if this has already been covered, but searching for the words 'mouse' and 'double click' doesn't really bring up any relevant topics as it's quite a vague search term, and I didn't know what else to call it. A week or two ago I noticed my mouse acting strangely. Most of the times I...
  4. H

    FTP won't work!

  5. H

    FTP won't connect

    Thank you, I will try RBrowser now. I had tried the Finder before, but I forgot to put ftp:// in front of :X I found a list of Terminal FTP commands too so I think I should be able to manage now. Thanks for your help!
  6. H

    FTP won't connect

    I recently had a few problems with my computer, the biggest one being an invalid node structure. Well, I got it fixed, my friend ran Disk Warrior on the hard drive, and completely reinstalled the system. All the problems I had before are solved.... except the problem of my FTP just not wanting...
  7. H

    Burning DVD+R

    I have to reformat so I'm backing up all my files. I bought some DVDs to do it, and I've tried burning music onto one of them in iTunes. It says the media is not the correct type for this operation. So I tried doing it in the finder but it didn't work. I've just realised that I bought DVD+R, not...
  8. H

    Shared Library Error & Flash Not Working

    Hmm actually, looking over this now, I'm not sure if any of it is in reference to me trying to open the program. The time says 20.18, but it's after midnight.
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    Shared Library Error & Flash Not Working

    Sorry, not sure which part is in reference to me trying to open the program, but here is the top part of the log: system.log: Description: System events log Size: 18.01 KB Last Modified: 22/02/2006 00:47 Location: /var/log/system.log Recent Contents: ... Feb 21 20:18:24...
  10. H

    Shared Library Error & Flash Not Working

    PLEASE does anyone have a way to fix this? Other than reinstalling the OS and repairing permissions? I tried installing my Tiger disk but it said there was an error, and now I've realised, I can't watch Quicktime movies.. well some I can hear but can't see. I tried to open DivX 5.2.1 and it gave...
  11. H

    Shared Library Error & Flash Not Working

    This is very frustrating! I can't use Photoshop or Dreamweaver! And I can't go on lots of sites because my Flash is not working. Does anyone have a working solution for this?
  12. H

    Shared Library Error & Flash Not Working

    I did a search for this and found a few topics, some of which said to repair the disk permissions and reinstall the OS, both of which I have done. I can't open IE, Photoshop, Illustrator, ImageReady, my Flash is not working and I tried to reinstall it but the installer won't even open because of...
  13. H

    Uploading Multiple Files in Terminal

    You mean just type 'mput -Rf' ? I tried all of these things but still get this [anpqy?] I don't know what that means.
  14. H

    Uploading Multiple Files in Terminal

    I am using the command "mput" in terminal because I want to upload a whole folder. I typed mput, pressed return, then dragged the folder "gb" into the terminal and pressed return, then this line appeared: mput /Users/elizabethmclernon/Sites/gb/ [anpqy?]? And I have no idea what to do...
  15. H

    FTP won't work!

    Ahh it works when I transfer them through the Terminal, thank you very much!!
  16. H

    FTP won't work!

    I meant that I didn't buy my own domain and webspace, I just bought part of my friend's.. maybe uses then?
  17. H

    FTP won't work!

    Oh sorry I should have specified that I'm on an iMac G4, it was 10.2.8 and is now 10.4.2. I have no second hard drive. The FTP programs I have tried are Fetch FTP (deleted now so I don't remember the version), FTPeel version 1.1.4, Secure FTP 2.5 and Rad FTP (doesn't say which version). I...
  18. H

    FTP won't work!

    I'm very sorry if this is the wrong section, I wasn't sure which it should go in. For the past few weeks I haven't been able to connect to my FTP on any FTP clients I've tried (about 3 or 4). I'm definitely using the correct username, password and server because I've checked with my host several...