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  1. gwynarion

    Sudden Panther Problems

    Some time today I started having problems with my computer (Mac OS X 10.3.2). This is effecting a number of different applications including Mail, Xjournal, Safari and TextEdit. For example, I had started typing this entry in TextEdit but was forced to switch to BBEdit after TextEdit froze...
  2. gwynarion

    iLife -- appears I'm screwed and must pay another $50?

    Two things. (1.) Before reading this thread I had never heard that the size of the program was what kept iDVD from being offered as a download. If that were the case then Apple would stick it on a CD and sell it for $10. The reason I had always heard was the licenses that Apple had to buy...
  3. gwynarion

    Request for iPhoto features?

    Canon Digital Rebel = digital orgasms I am absolutely delighted with this camera. It is everything I could have wanted and more. One of my top three criteria for a new camera was that it have removable lenses, and I just put that into effect last night when I got my 75-300mm lens with image...
  4. gwynarion

    Request for iPhoto features?

    With my old Epson PhotoPC 850 (2.1 megapixels) I had to create a new Library each year in order to keep it running smoothly. I found that as soon as a Library got to containing about 1GB of images it started to really crawl. For the photos I took between May of 2000 and December of 2003 I had...
  5. gwynarion

    iRecord for iSight

    We've been using iRecordNow since I gave my wife her iSight for Xmas and it works wonderfully for us. The quality is as good as you can get from the iSight and the features/options are very good.
  6. gwynarion

    AIM/iChatAV for Macs and PC's next year

    I think I would have to disagree with this. I think that increased iSight sales would be a potentially large gain from a Windows version of iChatAV. I know a half a dozen Windows users who would buy an iSight if they had compatible software and a dozen Mac users who would buy one if they knew...
  7. gwynarion

    Post your desktop !

    Where did you get the picture, if you don't mind my asking?
  8. gwynarion

    Protecting the data on my computer from iSync

    I'm using iSync with Panther and a Nokia 3650. When I sync Address Book between my computer and phone, the phone sometimes changes what is on my computer. I absolutely do not want this to happen. Is there any kind of setting I can change in iSync (or Bluetooth or my phone) that will prevent this...
  9. gwynarion

    Virtual PC 2004 in late 2003

    I've never seen any reason to burn a CD in VPC since Toast did the job admirably in Mac OS. So VPC never had any need to access the Firewire CD-RW. Browsers in VPC never had any trouble accessing web files stored on my Firewire hard drive.
  10. gwynarion

    Virtual PC 2004 in late 2003

    I've never had any trouble with VPC other than it being incredibly slow.
  11. gwynarion

    Virtual PC 2004 in late 2003

    But because I'm not a pc nerd and want professional support for the thing that isn't an option I would consider.
  12. gwynarion

    Virtual PC 2004 in late 2003

    I feel sort of sick and dirty asking this, but in the light of VPC looking like a dying fish I'm considering getting an ultra-cheap PC to cover the couple of small tasks that I occasionally need Windows for. Primarily I am not interested in building something myself and I would prefer some sort...
  13. gwynarion

    Post your desktop !

    CandyBar is the best way to go, no doubt:
  14. gwynarion

    Post your desktop !

    Here's my latest one from work, after installing Panther. (URL provided because the file size is too big to attach here...) The background is something I created utilizing...
  15. gwynarion

    Suggestions! How can Apple better penetrate the PC Market?

    I think that it's pointless to say things like get the speed up since I'm sure Apple will keep doing this as quickly as they can, as will the Intel world. It's also pointless to say that Apple should come out with new and innovative designs since that's what they've always done. I disagree...
  16. gwynarion

    What will be introduced at MacWorld SF?

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that we'll hear how many songs sold in the iTMS, how many were sold to Windows users, and how many copies of Panther have been sold. I also think we'll here that the Apple Stores are now running a stable profit.
  17. gwynarion

    iTunes iPod competition

    Let's try to remember that the things you are complaining about were not Apple's fault. I'm sure that Apple would have released the iTunes Music Store for Windows much more quickly if the RIAA had allowed them to do so. I'm sure Apple would have made the Store available to Apple users all...
  18. gwynarion

    Free iTunes music from Pepsi?

    Besides John Scully?
  19. gwynarion

    Longhorn Release Date...woot.

    Mac OS X came of age in 2001 and Windows is catching up in 2005 -- sounds about right.