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  1. gwynarion

    A great addition to 10.3!

    Apple's already on the path to doing this. Just look at the iTunes Music Store and how it uses the same rendering technology as Safari. Add to that the release of Webkit and you can see that Apple is putting the browser engine right at the core of the OS to allow other applications to take...
  2. gwynarion

    If the G5 is true, are you buying one?

    The first G4 PowerMac appeared in July, 1999 (I think), while the first G4 PowerBook did not show up until January, 2001. So with roughly 1.5 years in between the release of the new chips in desktop machines and their appearance in laptops I think it is entirely reasonable to assume that there...
  3. gwynarion

    10.3 Panther Screenshot (For Real!!)

    The first thing I thought when I saw these screen shots was "oh look, Platinum's back." With the grey title bars and the greyer backgrounds it looks like hte ghost of Platinum has descended upon Aqua. That's not to say that I don't like it or think it is old fashioned looking, but I choose to...
  4. gwynarion

    If the G5 is true, are you buying one?

    Damn, baby. Can I have your boss? Please???
  5. gwynarion

    Ding-Dong the Witch is dead!! IE no more!

    As I said, there is only one site that I can only get to using IE and it is hardly a vital one. It's not a banking site or anything else like that. And at any rate the current version of IE will still work while I continue to lobby them to use more open standards.
  6. gwynarion

    If the G5 is true, are you buying one?

    My next computer purchase will be in July or August of 2004 when I have my truck paid off (replacing my G4 533MHz). At that time I will probably buy the mid-level machine, whatever its specs are, and one or two LCD monitors depending on what prices I can find.
  7. gwynarion

    PPC 970!? What are these guys doing?!

    I won't be mocking you as I happen to agree with you. I think there's not the slightest chance that this machine will be marketed as the "G970". It is possible that it will be called the G5 (though I certainly hope not), or more likely the Power Mac 970, but certainly not the G970.
  8. gwynarion

    Germans opened boxes

    I disagree. Generations has nothing to do with it. Apple designs and sells a 1-button mouse for a number of philosophical and user interface reasons, not because MS has left them hopelessly in the dust. That is not to say that I completely agree with their decision on this matter to date, but...
  9. gwynarion

    Germans opened boxes

    I'm 99% sure that this picture is a fake. Probably more sure than that, even. All the same, it fits in with this thread and I thought I'd share it. I can see a number of things right off the bat that make this picture look wrong to me, but all the same it is one of the more attractive...
  10. gwynarion

    Ding-Dong the Witch is dead!! IE no more!

    I don't know what it is like in the UK, but where I live in Ohio I have a choice of at least a dozen different banks I could use. As things stand now I use a bank that I need to use Camino for, but I expect that when the full version of Safari comes out that will no longer be the case. If the...
  11. gwynarion

    Ding-Dong the Witch is dead!! IE no more!

    I have to disagree with you in part. There are a number of CSS2 positioning things that do not work correctly in IE (Mac or Win). While Mac IE 5 was the most standards compliant browser when it came out you have to remember that it was up against Netscape 4.x. With the advent of Netscape 6 IE...
  12. gwynarion

    Ding-Dong the Witch is dead!! IE no more!

    Inevitable and very welcome except for a one site that I must use it to access* I'll just have to hang on to my current version and hope that the site I need it for gets a clue and implements something better. I subscribe to Sirius Satellite Radio and am able to listen to the music streams...
  13. gwynarion

    There is an OS poll here...

    Which tells you an awful lot about the audience of this site.
  14. gwynarion

    64-bit Macs and Jaguar revisited (Smeagol)

    I did that design a few years ago so I honestly can't recall whether or not I did those in the English mode or in the Quenya mode, so be warned that translation may not prove possible based on what is published in the book. Also keep in mind that I was using this as a graphical element more...
  15. gwynarion

    New Apple Pro Mouse?

    For that matter you don't need a mouse at all. You can do everything you need to do with the keyboard... Of course having a mouse does make some things easier, I suppose... You're right to say that you don't need a second button (or a third or a fourth) to get things done. Holding down the...
  16. gwynarion

    New Apple Pro Mouse?

    First of all, if Apple were going to come out with a multi-button mouse it would not look like their current mouse because the current one is designed around the idea of having the entire upper casing be the "button". So they definitely would not divide that into two buttons in such a manner as...
  17. gwynarion

    64-bit Macs and Jaguar revisited (Smeagol)

    What are you talking about? Perhaps you had better visit this site and see if anyone else can figure it out:
  18. gwynarion

    64-bit Macs and Jaguar revisited (Smeagol)

    Information here:
  19. gwynarion

    The Beatles/Apple....

    This is the sort of thing that pisses me off, a bit. Knowing nothing about the situation I glean from the page that the guy's name is Nissan. As such I think he should be able to name his business after himself and Nissan motors be damned. Now if his real name is Uzi Smith and he changed it...
  20. gwynarion

    Classic to be disabled in panther?

    Were you not paying attention to what people were saying in here? Many educational clients of Apple's are still using machines that boot into OS 9 because their budgets do not allow for them to buy new versions of their third party software. I've had a lot of contact with different schools...