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  1. gwynarion

    Get in on the iBox...

    While parts of this idea sound nice, I can't see Apple ever doing anything like it. Apple is in the business of selling complete computer systems that can be used right out of the box by anyone that orders them. To sell one without RAM or without a hard drive would completely torpeado this...
  2. gwynarion

    Apple CPUs falling below Intel in power

    Every second I can shave off of the start up time of Photoshop and Illustrator is another second that goes into my productivity. Every ten seconds I can shave off of rendering filters on 100MB image files is a huge increase in the time I have to decide what those filters should be...
  3. gwynarion

    Panther, Mac OS X 10.3 Discussions (merged)

    I doubt it. Giving it out to developers and then releasing it to the public a month later would seem to give the devs very little time to do anything with it. Just as with Jaguar I fully expect to see Panther sometime between the end of August and the end of September.
  4. gwynarion

    PowerPC 970 Info Thread

    MacWhispers had an interesting rumour recently... I hope they are right.
  5. gwynarion

    Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

    This is one of the reasons why I have not been reporting bugs in these unreleased versions. I hope very much that Apple will release a public beta with tabs before they go to the full version as I think they would benefit from wider user input, especially now that they have closed the seed...
  6. gwynarion

    Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

    I think I've found a bit of a bug in v67, so I'd be interested in whether or not anyone is seeing it. I have found that when I set the preference to always display the tab bar I start to see rendering errors in the tabs. Generally this happens only with the tabs at the left-most side of the...
  7. gwynarion

    uControl (What's this guy running on?)

    I have to side with Fryke, I think. Placing the Control key above the Shift key may be something that Unix machines did, but the Mac has a much more direct lineage leading to the typewriter than it does to a Unix workstation. And as for what makes more sense, I think that keeping things the...
  8. gwynarion

    Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

    Thank you :) The Flash version is nearing completion and should be all ready to roll out within an other week or so.
  9. gwynarion

    Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

    Don't have Carracho and I can't say I've ever wanted to -- it's too much work just for an occassional file. So, um, I guess it's good that it "isn't" there. It's too bad it hasn't made it on to any web sites yet...
  10. gwynarion

    Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

    Can you give some indication as to where you found it? I've been noodling around in Acquisition and have yet to turn anything up...
  11. gwynarion

    Apple to incorporate Virtual Desktops
  12. gwynarion

    Former VP Al Gore on Apple board of directors

    Well for one I would hazard that Al Gore can offer his great intelligence. He may be short on sense of humour and popularly understood charisma, but he is enormously thoughtful and has a keen intellect. Sound like his bloody press secretary, don't I? But seriously, Al Gore takes a fanatical...
  13. gwynarion

    Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

    Some of us have a properly seeted sense of irony--those of us not members of the GOP (Greedy Oil Party). When you register as a Republican you have to turn in your irony along with your common sense and morality.
  14. gwynarion

    iPod 2 Speculation

    I don't know why everyone seems so obsessed with the idea of the iPod becoming more and more and more. Colour screen, USB for digital camera integration, this, that, etc... Apple has said any number of times that the iPod is a digital music player -- not a PDA, not a phone, and not a portable...
  15. gwynarion

    WMP / IE annoyance

    This is a question related to Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player, specifically hoping to find a way of separating the two. I own a Sirius Satellite Radio (installed in my truck) and one of the great features they offer is all of their 60 music streams over the internet. Unfortunately...
  16. gwynarion

    Mozilla defends itself against Safari

    You make the point further down that this will be very difficult to accomplish because of IE's easy availablity. Unless several things change I think it is virtually impossible. I also don't think you can look to a browser like Safari or Camino to step up to the plate unless you are looking...
  17. gwynarion

    Mozilla defends itself against Safari

    More choices on the Mac on Wintel pcs? On the Mac there are seven options that I can think of and on Wintel I can come up with five. I don't know how many more choices I would want. As a user I only need one and as a designer I have to test in as many as there are. On the Mac I believe they...
  18. gwynarion

    Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

    I completely agree with the reasons David Hyatt puts forward for the order in which (and placement of) tabs open. I think it makes perfect sense. That said, I wish that I could drag a tab to reorder them. For instance I now have tabs at the opposite end of the bar that are related. They are...
  19. gwynarion

    Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

    Some of my text shows up in primary green (I'm assuming text on pages where the designer didn't specify a text colour), and it's really irritating. I had a look at the style sheet that is listed in the preferences and couldn't find anything in there that seemed to control this. I'd love to...
  20. gwynarion

    Changes regarding Macworld Expo

    What I've heard from other sources is that Apple would stage its own media events--possibly from six to eight--around the country/world per year, all smaller than MacWorld. I don't think that this would hurt Apple very much, though many people would be disappointed. I do think it has the...