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  1. M

    Perhaps y'all will know in this form...

    Thx. But after thinking about it, I just wrote my own script in php to parse the log files of apache. Man, PHP is some good stuff, I can do anything with it :-) Thx much tho. Everyone on the form is so damn cool about helping me out with unix probs :-)
  2. M

    Perhaps y'all will know in this form...

    hey there. I am a very newbie at this. I downloaded and tried to install mod_watch-3.0.1 for apache ( and I hit this snag: [localhost:~/Desktop/mod_watch-3.0.1] root# make install-dynamic $(apxs -q CC) $(apxs -q CFLAGS) -DSHARED_MEMORY_API=SYSTEMV_API...
  3. M

    Ack! Crazy sh and perl scripts...

    I can get the damn thing to run now, but it isn't gathering data correctly. What I did was I just deleted the file, and remade it with the exact same text contents (via copy-paste in ssh). Then it worked fine (ran w/o errors). Hey, go figure, I dunno. Thx for your help all. I'll get back...
  4. M

    Ack! Crazy sh and perl scripts...

    Various places on the web. I can hunt them down again if you want me to be more specific.
  5. M

    Ack! Crazy sh and perl scripts...

    I cannot run them as regular commands, either: [localhost:/Library/MRTG] botany% ls [localhost:/Library/MRTG] botany% ./ ./ Command not found. [localhost:/Library/MRTG] botany% ./ ./ Command not found...
  6. M

    Ack! Crazy sh and perl scripts... is: #!/bin/sh netstat -n -A inet | grep tcp | wc -l netstat -Mn | grep tcp | wc -l and is: #!/usr/bin/perl # number of user - processes ..... $entry = `w | wc -l`; chomp($entry); $user = $entry - 2; print "$user\n"; $proc = `ps aux | wc -l`...
  7. M

    Ack! Crazy sh and perl scripts...

    Nope, the scripts are very simple ones, just intended to get the results of a few commands so mrtg can graph them over time. They do not use each other (and I got them from seperate sources). I have specified in the MRTG config file to find the scripts at /Library/MRTG/[script name]. I will...
  8. M

    Ack! Crazy sh and perl scripts...

    I am trying to run a bunch of mrtg scripts ( and I am failing pretty thouroughly at it. I used the instructions at stepwise to install mrtg. At first I would get: [localhost:/usr/local/mrtg-2] botany% bin/mrtg --user=botany --group=all smple.cfg WARNING: Running...
  9. M

    gd library 2.0.1 in MacOsX 10.1.1 with PHP4.0.6

    I cannot post it because of the message size limit. Can I email it? ~SEth
  10. M

    gd library 2.0.1 in MacOsX 10.1.1 with PHP4.0.6

    I got it to work finally. I ended up going back to stepwise and redoing everything there. (except gd 1.8.6) Then I installed gd with the flags that you suggested (I also had to redo runlib on libgd.a). I believe the trick is that the PHP ./configure has to read: checking whether to enable...
  11. M

    gd library 2.0.1 in MacOsX 10.1.1 with PHP4.0.6

    PHP is still giving me an error message: Fatal error: imagecreatetruecolor(): requires GD 2.0 or later I have gd 1.8.6 working from the instructions on stepwise a while ago. I followed your suggestions (I don't need freetype tho) At the bottom of the makefile it says...
  12. M

    gd library 2.0.1 in MacOsX 10.1.1 with PHP4.0.6

    In my gd makefile, it says: "ld -shared -o${VERSION} ${LIBOBJS}" But when I compile it, it gives me an error message that says that it don't do "-shared" so in order to compile it w/o an error I removed the -shared flag. Is that it? What is the gd makefile seposed to look like? And...
  13. M

    gd library 2.0.1 in MacOsX 10.1.1 with PHP4.0.6

    It is installed in /usr/local/lib, and the mod date is when I installed gd 2.0.1. There is a libgd.a and a and a few more simailar to that. The prob is that somehow PHP still thinks that it is compiling with gd 1.8.6. I do have a copy of that on my desktop, but I don't know how the...
  14. M

    gd library 2.0.1 in MacOsX 10.1.1 with PHP4.0.6

    Could you please post instructions on how you did that? I have compiled PHP w/ gd 1.8.6, but I am trying to redo the compile using gd 2.0.1. For some reason, PHP is still compiling with the old 1.8.6 library. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? Every thing seems to compile and run fine, but the...
  15. M

    WHY is window resizing so slow still in macos x and so fast in Windows 2000?

    I hate to break it to you guys, but clockless chips are what the future is. If you dont believe me, head to slashdot or some good techie website and do a search on them. Heh, he called you a tit. I have only heard that out of old monty python videos. :)
  16. M

    The BIG OS 10.2 thread...

    I hate to point out the obvious, but just take all of your apps that you use and stick them in the dock. There should be plenty of space. I currently have 21 icons in the dock (and more on my home computer). Opening an app takes one click, and so does switching between apps.
  17. M

    Why not more MP systems?

    Sorry 'bout that. I didn't mean to imply that the clock its self would double, I was just trying to simplify my explanation.
  18. M

    Why not more MP systems?

    OS X is a whole new ball game. OS 9 and below was written extremely poorly for MP systems. But OS 10 is based on UNIX. UNIX is coded great for MP systems. Anyone know the record number of processors in one machine running UNIX? I suspect that it is greater than 100 (or maybe even 1000). A...
  19. M

    I want to hear from you

    I am going to put in my vote for OmniWeb. The text rendering is beautiful. My only prob with it is that it is a bit slow. I made my switch away from IE not because of the product (IE), but because I didn't want to support a company that tramples so many consumer rights.
  20. M

    Jaguar - Mac OS X 10.2

    Here is my post from this thread: Whats in store in 10.2 and 10.3?? Steive said that the os x upgrade cycle is like a clock, right? And 10.1 is 6 o'clock, right? Didn't he say that 10.2 is 9 oclock which would put 10.3 at 12 o'clock...