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  1. K

    pc-->mac internet network thru phoneline?

    right now i have a pc connected to my cable modem thru a telephone line. my question is when i get my g5 would be linksys telephone adapter work for mac? the guy at compusa told me that you can only network a pc to a mac thru wireless or ethernet cables. no way telephone dapater link. is this...
  2. K

    Where did you buy your G5 from??? is selling it for 1650. 1617 after rebate has anyone dealt with this online retailer before?
  3. K

    Where did you buy your G5 from???

    looking for a 1.6ghz g5 and only have 1700 cash. does anyone know a plasce in nyc that sells it cheap? or a online retailer youve have good experiences with. im looking for the lowest price or a deal with rebates and stuff. i found a place onlne that was selling it for 1650 no tax. but im afraid...
  4. K

    help me upgrade my mac g4 =)

    hey thanks guys. umm can my machine hold 2 internal drives? i opened my mac and it doesnt look like theres space for another drive. heres my profile. Report Created:3/4/03 at 7:28:34 PM Devices and Volumes Internal ATA 2 ID = 0 Hard drive Driver version: 3.2.8 Mac...
  5. K

    internet connection really slow. please help!

    ok so i reformatted once again. same problem persists. i also dialed up using my internal modem and although remote access said i was connected at 45333bps it was still very slow. even for dial up. so now im thinking maybe it has nothing to do with the ethernet or the cable or the network...
  6. K

    internet connection really slow. please help!

    heres the deal my bro has a pc running win xp and i have a mac g4 400 os 9.1 and _we share a cable connection. i dont know how he setup the network but all he did was throw me up a cable and i just plugged it into my ethernet hole changed my tcp/ip to ethernet>dhcp and my internet was fast...
  7. K

    help me upgrade my mac g4 =)

    thats a good idea about the hds. i could just leave os9 on the old one then and install osx on the new hd that i will use as the main hd. thanks alot. i also thought that you needed 1gig of ram to run osx smoothly. but if your saying my machine cant exceed 512mb ram than i guess that sucks cause...
  8. K

    help me upgrade my mac g4 =)

    let me start off saying that id probably consider myself a mac newbie or a computer newbie in general. ok i have a G4 400mhz (AGP graphics) 312mb ram (64/128/128 dimm sdram) 10 gig harddrive + 5gig external hd os 9.1 i just bought OSX and before i install it i would like to upgrade...
  9. K

    IE lags

    my virtual memory is set to 321mb. what happens if i turn it off? is it better to have it off or on? also what memory do u guys set ur ie to?
  10. K

    IE lags

    yea your right. i was thinking about osx. i have a g4 400mhz 10gig HD 4gig external hd 5gig free space available 320mb ram. should i install osx? would it run smoothly?
  11. K

    IE lags

    i have a mac g4 400 on os9.2 i never had a problem with ie or aim before. i have a cable connection and it was smooth and quick. but now its also lagging. i dont think it had nething to do with the conneaus ei have cable and the pages load really fast n all. just somestimes when im scrolling or...