Search results

  1. arri

    help please, sudden lag during start up

    that is a failing harddrive. get you stuff off it and dump the drive. after backing up your files you could try an 'erase' with 'zero all data' in Disk Utility to replace bad-sectors with spare-sectors, but i wouldn't trust any drive older than a year or 2 (maybe 3). and you get a new...
  2. arri

    Help! Crazy pixel mess!!!

    chance is just re-seeting you videocard could help. and are you sure it's that screen-saver? i've had some issues with old cards that seem just related to tired capacitors.. at the same time, i screwed-up the video-card of my old powerbook once just by writing bad openGL code.. but that was...
  3. arri

    powerbook G4: fan runs at max speed from startup

    or take out the keyboard, get a vacuum-cleaner and a can of pressured-air and clean out all the miso-soup of the past years..
  4. arri

    Mac to Mac File sharing

    wow, some people really get personall.. appletalk is old stuff. and just there for os9 compatibility. you don't need that. make sure in 'Sharing' you have enabled 'Personal File Sharing' note that to connect, you can use the machine-name that's set under 'Sharing'. (main reason i always...
  5. arri

    advanced wireless ibook troubleshooting

    maybe both the speedtouch and the linksys are server dhcp and doing nat? that's never going to improve anything ... or maybe you're airport card is het to static ip? (from last provider..) make sure only 1 of the 2 routers is connecting your lan to the internet, and doing dhcp and nat. most...
  6. arri

    ssh, keys, and faiing host-key verification

    thank you for your responses, i had already deleted the know_hosts-file all together.. (as you can read.. :) and i just realised macbri's proposed method is actually a very clever way for debugging many situations and programs in general. very nice! stupid i hadn't though of it.. thanks...
  7. arri

    ssh, keys, and faiing host-key verification

    hoi, firtst i need to say the situation that i'd like to debug is just a ad-hoc test solution. nothing critical... but i ran into an unexpected problem i'd like to understand. and probably i'm overlooking something simple/basic. i wanted to test the nat-setup at my current location and...
  8. arri

    iTunes Library Lock and disk latency(?)

    It wouldn't surprise me if the iTunes library just wasn't designed to be accessed by multiple instances of iTunes at once. It would also actually makes sense.. The read-online option would be simpy sharing the library from the 'main' machine. You can prevent the harddisk from spinning down...
  9. arri

    HIDE function doesn't always work

    the shortcut (⌘+H) is not a system-wide setting, and some applications just don't implement it. Photoshop for instance is one of those. what i sometimes use instead, is with the application you want to hide in the foreground perform an ⌥+click (option/alt + click) on the desktop...
  10. arri

    hotkeys mysteriously deactivated

    hi, after searching hi and low, and trying to forget the issue, i finally got really pi$#ed and frustrated, and decided to bother you people with my little problem: several hotkeys that i use a lot somehow get mysteriously deactivated at random moments, most notably the hotkeys for...
  11. arri

    Quicktime refuses to exporrt

    ok, i solved the problem.. i just copied the video from the file that couldn't be exported to a new (empty) movie, and Saved as Self Contained. the new file could be exported with no problem..
  12. arri

    tIbook backlight blanking out

    like feedmittens it's almost for sure the inverter-board. i had something similair where i could not set the screen brightness higher than 3 marks, otherwise it would go dark. replacing the board fixed it. until you get a new inverter board, you can probably get the light back on a little...
  13. arri

    flip4mac alternative????

    VLC is the one you want and it can convert to and from many different formats/codecs, including ASF, which is just a container format for holding formats such as WMV. VLC's streaming/exporting wizard makes the process pretty straightforward together with the VLC bowser plugin you can dump...
  14. arri

    services? what are they...

    one very interesting example of a 'service' is one that's called "Summary" just visit a webpage with a large text-body, select the whole page (command+A) and choose "Summary" can be quite helpfull..
  15. arri

    Quicktime refuses to exporrt

    hi, i compressed a video-file to H264 using mencoder, and the quality/filesize ratio is very good and quicktime plays the file perfectly fine. but now i want to 'hint' the file for use on a streaming server, and that is where i get stuck: - trying to 'export as hinted movie', quicktime...
  16. arri

    strange system freeze

    you're not alone:
  17. arri

    Easy way to set up a remote connection?

    also do a search for tunneling VNC over an ssh connection. there's a bunch of sites explaining howto setup something like that, it's a bit to much to try and explain here now.. sorry. but basically the advantage will the be that regardless you mothers' homeIP, you can have her execute a script...
  18. arri

    DNS Problem

    hi, i'm sorry if i disturbed regular late-summer-sundayafternoon-business on this forum a bit.. after posting the original message yesterday i realised that having that url in the subject/title didn't exactly look very pretty in the forum-index view. but then i discovered that while you can...
  19. arri

    Routing Tables

    is it possible ppl are talking about different things here? hmm.. confusing.. anyway, i guess you mean: your freebsd-box is connected to the internet, doing NAT/DHCP for the internal (wired) network, and you want to connect your wifi-router, but server a seperate subnet wirelessly.. the...
  20. arri

    DNS Problem

    you'll have to take my word for it that i have no clue how i ended-up on this website... i often open several google search-results in tabs in one window, especially when some sites respond slow. this was the case in this instance, and the above url had loaded in the last tab i reviewed for any...