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  1. Lazzo

    Quark 6 demo/tryout

    They haven't got a demo version up yet, only taking pre-orders for the full prog. Quark's website is currently being redesigned, from the info I've received I think the demo should be available by end of June, although they're still not issuing a release date!
  2. Lazzo

    The Recipe Thread

    I'd forgotten I started this thread! Sounds like summer. I agree about the worthless off-the-peg 'kiddie mixers'. All liver-rot and no content. Made a nice Rogon Josh at the weekend - or it would have been nice if I hadn't sat down and nodded off while it was cooking. Anyone wnat to buy a...
  3. Lazzo

    Any 4D Developer Edition users?

    One of my colleagues is writing me some sort of instruction leaflet, apparently he knows what he's doing... However, as he's in and out of the country more times than a 747 I'll bear you in mind!
  4. Lazzo

    PowerLook 1120 Photo Firewire question

    Bump! I've just had a nasty experience. I had occasion to boot into OS9 this morning so I played with the scanner while I was there. It goes like a rocket in 9. Eeek! So I tried out the Firewire CD writer on the same job I sent to a printer yesterday and that went faster too. Does Jag...
  5. Lazzo

    PowerLook 1120 Photo Firewire question

    Unfortunately I get that feeling. I've read the technical blurb on Apple's site, it's a bit ambiguous about legacy Firewire gear. I'll email Umax support and hope for a reply. There might be a firmware upgrade in the works.
  6. Lazzo

    PowerLook 1120 Photo Firewire question

    Hi folks, I've just purchased a PowerLook 1120 Firewire scanner to run with my DP 450 Mac with the 6-pin FW 400 ports. When the loan for the current Mac is paid up in September I plan on renewing it for another three years (there's business confidence) and upgrading to the latest Mac with...
  7. Lazzo

    Font Management for 9/X

    Font Reserve is the one I use. Although slow to launch, 5 seconds on my Mac, it works very well. Some users don't like the way it copies fonts into its own 'vault', and it has lots of features that I can't really find a use for, such as the Foundry and Specimen business. Font menus in...
  8. Lazzo

    Any 4D Developer Edition users?

    Grrrrr, bark, woof If anyone out there is using 4D Developer for making invoices I would appreciate some really simple help: How to print: I get the top half of two invoices printing out on one A4 sheet - and not even the right one(s). No lika! How to make buttons work: Any new...
  9. Lazzo

    The Recipe Thread

    Randman, I like the sound of that Rendang Daging but what's laos powder? I've never heard of it.
  10. Lazzo

    The Recipe Thread

    It was ebolag4's bacon dripping I was referring to. I try to avoid fatty stuff in my own cooking (though that's rather a broad word for what I do), mostly because I can't walk past an Indian restaurant without being hypnotised by the aroma and those are the places where I get my fat!
  11. Lazzo

    The Recipe Thread

    Heh heh - If it's got four legs (sometimes two), crawls, flies, slithers, swims or climbs, I'll try it. Wonder if that (rather fatty-sounding) recipe works with grass snakes or adders? They're about the only snakes we've got over here. Giaguara, no sweet tooth here!
  12. Lazzo

    The Recipe Thread

    Hi folks - bored sleeping, eating and drinking Macs? Put your recipes here and let's see what comes up, so to speak. To start you off, I just finished my lunch: 1 packet diced chicken 1 packet egg tagliatelli 3 vinegar preserved red chillies 1 wok 1 large saucepan 1 shot glass 1 pair...
  13. Lazzo

    Keyboard to stop Classic?

    Thanks Cheryl, arden. I've already got the starter in the dock. I didn't bother with the startup icon though, I dragged it from the Core Services folder. That way it doesn't 'wobble' when the mouse cursor is over it. Thanks for the info arden, I'll give Classic? a try.
  14. Lazzo

    Keyboard to stop Classic?

    Admin. Sytem Prefs won't let me drag anything into the dock.
  15. Lazzo

    Font Management for 9/X

    There's only ever two contenders in this field. I find it odd that there are so many individuals and small developers making shareware apps for calenders, PIMs, calculators, word processing and shedloads of other stuff, but nobody wants to tackle font management! I guess ES and FR must be...
  16. Lazzo

    Keyboard to stop Classic?

    Cheryl, no go I'm afraid. I don't think it likes me! I'm still running 10.2.4, you think that has anything to do with it? (I don't want to waste too much of your time on this, it's not that important)
  17. Lazzo

    Keyboard to stop Classic?

    Hi Cheryl The icon won't drag into the dock. Shame there isn't a 'Show Classic in menu bar' option. Somewhere, sometime, I read about the keyboard command for this but I know not where.
  18. Lazzo

    Keyboard to stop Classic?

    Hiya folks Does anyone know the keyboard command to shut down Classic? Clicking System Prefs, clicking Classic, clicking Stop, quitting Prefs makes me feel like I've been on a three mile jog.
  19. Lazzo

    Adobe Acrobat Distiller 6

    Thanks toast. Don't get wet in the slushy weather heading your way over the next couple of days! (Been playing with Meteorologist)
  20. Lazzo

    Adobe Acrobat Distiller 6

    Looks like we're using Safari or IE. I shouldn't think they'd have some sort of block on unregistered viewers, that would defeat the object of the forum. When I visit there again I'll send them an email enquiry. Maybe they know of a problem.