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  1. Lazzo

    Setting Up a Business

    In no particular order: - Luck - Timing - At least 2 clients before you start - Give up clubbing - Colleagues/Partners "Who Know What They're Doing" - Be absolutely certain that YOU "Know What You're Doing" - Don't be nervous - Don't be shy - Don't be horrible - Be firm and have goals - Don't...
  2. Lazzo

    StylusRIP, bitmap fonts...

    I'm being driven batty by this! Last week, for no apparent reason (no installs etc.), fonts began printing bitmapped when a Quark Xpress doc is printed through the StylusRIP to an Epson 1520. Images are fine. I booted into OS9 and reinstalled the printer driver, the fonts and the RIP but no...
  3. Lazzo

    Just curious...

    Oh, I consider it a good cause alright. I've been running the business on OSX for 13 months now and would have found it a big struggle without this site. Not only that, some of the wit comes in handy in the pub! Ahem... as for the chiefs/Indians thing, maybe I've picked up a splash of corporate...
  4. Lazzo

    Just curious...

    Wouldn't an annual contribution feel too much being a corporate shareholder? I've no problem with being invited to contribute - but we could wind up with too many chiefs and not enough Indians all claiming to have out-contributed each other, therefore thinking they have the right to say who...
  5. Lazzo

    Quark 4.1 Screen Re-draw Problem

    Snapdove, if you can't find the Classic Draw XT anywhere soon, let me know and I'll email it to you. By the way, it's a freebie, I'm not promoting pirated software!
  6. Lazzo

    Just curious...

    Even the whiners have a place on They remind the rest of us just how civil and useful we can be to each other. Politicians should do all their international negotiations via an online forum. Much more influence than the United Nations! Oh - does that mean I join the Jason club and...
  7. Lazzo

    Quark Xpress 6

    Well, the rumour is that ID 2.5 or 3 will be out by June, but it's just a rumour (started on the Quark forums, I believe!) I like ID from a design perspective, but having used it on a couple of jobs, one of them very production intensive, the overall feeling I get is that it's like Pagemaker...
  8. Lazzo

    Copying from pdf

    No, there weren't any ligatures. It happened with ff, though. Some words like 'difficult' and such were missing the ff, but not all of them! The source of the pdf is unknown, looks like it was set in Baskerville or similar, on a PC no doubt. Kerning - thanks, that hadn't occurred to me, good...
  9. Lazzo

    Copying from pdf

    Greetings troops: It's not overly important and I've finished the rotten job now, but just thought I'd ask - Has anyone else lost the letters 'fi' from the beginning of words when copying and pasting direct from a pdf? Always at the beginning of a paragraph, which I 'spose is fortunate in...
  10. Lazzo

    Quark Xpress 6

    Oh, I've got that all planned out - v4 on the spare internal HD, v5 and v6 on the master HD. It'll be the only time I've had three copies of a prog installed. With clients increasingly sending v5 docs, I've had to bite the bullet and order v5 and hope it works. And we all know that if v6 is a...
  11. Lazzo

    Quark Xpress 6

    Heh heh - 2000 and what? (I'm with you, toast.) It MAY be out in June (the Apple deadline?) but whatever, I just hope it doesn't turn into another 'v4' fiasco. I wound up kicking things back then. All the same, I'm looking forward to it.
  12. Lazzo

    Quark Xpress 6

    So, finally - the Quark laxative is working! They've started posting screenshots of the X version on their site. Still no release date, though it's a move in the right direction! I wonder if it'll work???
  13. Lazzo

    osx 10.2.4 force quit less effective

    It might not be 10.2.4. I've updated the regular Apple apps but stayed on 10.2.3 and this started happening to me a fortnight ago. Of course, it could be that those apps don't like 10.2.3 a lot. But, force quit doesn't work for me like it did prior to Mac OS X Update Combined 10.2.3, QuickTime...
  14. Lazzo

    New Macs real cheap "is it for real"

    Never mind the content and products, nobody proofread the page: Dear Perspective Member & All Existing Members, Could be they mean 'Prospective'. Also, spelling 'Thanks' as 'Thanx' always puts me off.
  15. Lazzo

    Need a favor...

    Jason, I've got a question, not about the web site (which looks nice as of this date!), but about one of the pics - "Migrations 1.5 Spread" - Photoshop, InDesign I notice the transparency in the text box over the water. Was that created in ID and did it RIP without problems? (Ed: I'm an old...
  16. Lazzo

    Job time management? such a thing?

    There's a doodad called Project Timer you can get from priced at $20. Looks like there's some good options in it.
  17. Lazzo

    Printer Drivers for "Epson Stylus Color 580" ? ... (for X!)

    It's not mentioned on versiontracker, but check the gimp-print.sourceforge web site. I think they suggest installing ESP Ghostscript as well. Something I can't find mentioned officially on gimp-print's site is that it's best to install Ghostscript first. That's a recommendation from someone on...
  18. Lazzo

    Gimp Print...

    And this one:
  19. Lazzo

    Gimp Print...

    Typically, prints are slightly darker than with the regular drivers. As Vard says, we can tweak the settings in the Print Features dialogue but there's a [b]lot[b/] of settings and that's a hell of a lot of paper to waste!
  20. Lazzo

    Gimp Print...

    It's a bit odd really - Epson must have had to write UNIX drivers for all their models over the years, surely? If that's so, what's their problem? I have raised issues like this in emails, snail-mail and phone calls to Epson, but a reply is a rare thing and when there is one, it's "no...