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  1. Perseus word association!

  2. Perseus

    Where abouts are you from?

    Speaking of theories: aren't we all Martians? ;)
  3. Perseus

    Where abouts are you from?

    The only town I know of in Greenland is Nuuk. Never been there, but that is the one town name I do remember!
  4. Perseus


    Who would get rid of such a fine collection? Even still, good luck bidders! My first computer ever was a Commodore 64 that I used in the 1st grade.
  5. Perseus

    Where abouts are you from?

    Born in Manhattan, raised in Brooklyn. My dad is from Kent, England (actually a small town called Ash, near Canterbury); so that about negates my Brooklyn accent (I don't say dawg or wahta). :D I love going to the UK when I have the chance. My mom's family is Hungarian; I have yet to go there...
  6. Perseus

    ADSL modem/routers

    BEFW1154 is the model. I havent tested it yet, but I'll do it later today and let you know!
  7. Perseus

    Oh Caffeine, How I need Thee

    Here you go: muahahaha You'll be up all night!!
  8. Perseus

    Oh Caffeine, How I need Thee

    Even a Jolt cola? ;) That stuff is insane. (Jolt Gum is pretty neat too. It is great for a quick fix!)
  9. Perseus

    ADSL modem/routers

    I have a Linksys router that has my G4, a desktop PC and a Wireless connecting IBM Thinkpad...its all working perfectly. I have had downloads going on both computers, Mac and PC, and have not noticed one computer taking over more bandwith than the other...although if my mac is the only comp...
  10. Perseus

    Oh Caffeine, How I need Thee

    I broke my streak of no Coke the other day...I realized that maybe its OK for me to drink caffeine sparingly, instead of not at all. I experimented by only having Coke when I go to the movies or something....and I think this helps. Does chocolate have caffeine? I don't remember....cause I...
  11. Perseus

    WARNING: Sony music CDs may install rootkits on Mac

    This is all terribly wrong. I look forward to the outcome of all of this... This was probably mentioned before, but didn't Photoshop come up with some little file that would send data back to Adobe if a serial number was being used twice? I heard of this.
  12. Perseus

    Get Files using iChat?

    Actually, I used to use Adium, and noticed that file transferring was a con. Maybe in future versions. I could not receive files properly, let alone "get" them. That aside, Adium is a fantastic AIM client.
  13. Perseus

    WARNING: Sony music CDs may install rootkits on Mac

    Yeah, if human behavior is the way I think it is, people will get angry and just pirate even more. I do not own anything Sony, although their entertainment robots look fun...
  14. Perseus

    add memory

    Maybe the first slot is allready taken up by the RAM that is allready in your computer, or have you checked that yet?
  15. Perseus

    How do I pull code from another HTML file into another?

    Well, I am using Perl, in addition to averything else. Any Perl commands I could use? I'll consider your suggestions, thanks!
  16. Perseus

    How do I pull code from another HTML file into another?

    I have an html file called head.hml, and in between the <ul>s in: <div class="one"><ul> ... </ul></div> I want to insert the code that is contained within story.html I DO NOT want to manually type in the code from story.html into head.html, I need head.html to be able to pull the code from this...
  17. Perseus

    Where can I find the location of a file

    Click on the file, go to File > Get Info Under general it will say "where" with the location
  18. Perseus

    resuming There are programs available for PC that will help (like GetRight); as for Mac try that one out...
  19. Perseus

    Mac OS X 10.4.3 - Update good/bad?

    Update went smoothly. The only thing for me was that Internet Connect kept prompting me if I wanted to stay connected, I just went into prefs etc to turn it off; I never saw that prompt before. 10.4.3 has been that I think of it, Classic has been rather slow, somewhat "stop and...
  20. Perseus

    I bought a Mighty Mouse

    My Logitech mouse is perfect, never breaks, and caters to all of my functional needs. Like others have said, and suggested, its cheap. :D