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  1. F

    Mail Re-dierctor

    Should I enter the as my MX Record? I pretty sure my MX records are routing messages but the ISP has blocked port 25 halting reciept of messages on the server.
  2. F

    Mail Re-dierctor

    Its a FirstClass collaboration server no issue sending, logging in etc. users just can't receive messages... No cost if possible? But if there is a host that has a service $5-$15 a yr. eg. I'm willing to to pay. I'm sure there has to Port 25 workaround?
  3. F

    Mail Re-dierctor

    Anyone know of a free, cheap or app that I can use as a mail/port redirector? My ISP has blocked port 25 probably for SPAM reasons, anyhow I would like to run my mail server onsite. By the looks of it this is my only hold up.
  4. F

    OS X.3 on a B&W G3

    So the orig. 6GB HD that came with my B&W G3 400 crapped out last night, not bad seeing how long the machine has served me. Not a big worry as the machine still has 2 40GB IDE drives and a 10GB SCSI drive. I tried loading OS X.3 last night on one of the 40GB drives but the install encounters...
  5. F

    PowerBook G4 12" Won't Boot!

    "eject cd" worked! Seems I have a faulty AirPort Extreme card which caused this whole mess. Up and running, wired! Thanks for the help, Finch
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    PowerBook G4 12" Won't Boot!

    No suck Luck with either? Thing is the machine won't boot. All I get is a DOS type start up screen with the option to enter mac-boot or shut-down.
  7. F

    PowerBook G4 12" Won't Boot!

    So effective an hour ago my PB 12" won't boot... All I get is the grey screen with the Open Firmware info etc. with the options to type mac-boot or shut-down. If I typr mac-boot all I get is a folder blinking with a ?. I'm sure I could boot from my Panther disc but there is a CD in the drive...
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    Terminal Application

    I really hope this is possible? I'm the lone Mac user at my office and I'm trying to figure out a way to connect to our EDI system. As far as I can tell all the clients that connect are using WIN 98 & 2000. I'm pretty sure the EDI server is running SCO Unix (although the client interface looks...
  9. F

    Help me pick a wimpy iMac

    As far as a I know the only G3 processor that was not compatible with OS X was the first generation G3 Laptop (The on in the 3400 case) 1997.11 I have a couple clients myself with Wallstreets and Lombards running OS X with little issue.
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    Help me pick a wimpy iMac

    OS X runs just fine on my wifes Pismo 400...
  11. F

    HP Lserjet 4 Plus and Mac OSX

    If that dosen't work give Gimp Print a try looks like the complete HP 4 Series of printers are supported.
  12. F

    Powerbook 12" stuck CD

    Restard and hold down the eject key while your machine is booting, should also solve the problem...
  13. F

    PowerBook 12" Reset Button

    Thanks all for the input, seems the command option worked and saved me from pulling the bat. Now that the kernel panic hell is over I just thought maybe someone would know why Apple didn't add a reset button on the 12" PB? Once again, Thanks
  14. F

    PowerBook 12" Reset Button

    Anyone aware of a reset button on the new PB 12" this is the first PB I've owned that dosen't have such a feature and I could really use it at the moment. Is there a key combonation I'm not aware of? Thanks? Finch
  15. F

    OSX Entourage X - Mail boxes

    Correct, Microsoft User Data file acts as a back up, just store and drag the file back into you new profile.
  16. F

    Beige MT & new apple displays

    Check out this link on compatibility. No mention of G3's though...
  17. F

    Hard drive crash - Help

    If it means anything here is my thought on the situation, I could see some reason for recycling or the service centre hanging onto your drive if it were in warranty, credit from Apple, re-imbursment etc. Seeing its not and it is out of warranty as you stated my two cents would be you own that...
  18. F

    Using a Cinema display with B&W G3

    Follow this link seeing that you've upgraded to a PM G4 you might be able to do so. Finch
  19. F

    iMac wont boot

    I had almost the exact issue not to long ago, just started I have idea why either? if you can get the machine booted via "mac-boot" I would suggest backing up and doing I re-install.
  20. F

    PowerBook Adapter

    Just purchased a PowerBook 12" I've also got a PowerBook TiBook 15" 500MHz which came with a YoYo power adapters. At some point I had purchased an additional PowerBook adapter for travel, its the smaller square one which come with the newer PowerBooks. Does anyone if I can use the older...