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  1. O

    iBook Triumph!

    I think we 'college kids' should make a forum or thread to report on our success stories and share tips on how to convert fellow students. Haha, just kidding. But I still get a smile on my face when I talk to someone and know that they will go buy a Mac. It brings a special kind of joy to my...
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    iBook Triumph!

    Keris, that is awesome. I'm really happy for you, and share in your enthusiasm, haha. I'm a student at Western Michigan University and I love my 12.1 inch iBook. I hope to begin converting the masses again this Friday as I arrive on campus in style: iBook and iPod in tow :) Matt...
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    Can't change icons anymore in 10.2?

    I have found myself unable to change the icons of my folders since upgrading to 10.2. This is frustrating, as it used to be extremely simple and straightforward. If anyone is having similar problems or has a solution, please respond here. Matt
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    Features missing from Jaguar.

    I am starting this thread in the hopes that most of the flaws in 10.2 will be discovered quickly and that the community may respond with some workarounds. 1) Colored pinwheel is back, and it's bigger than the first one. Yuck. 2) Can't drag minimized windows onto the desktop anymore...
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    Test your real-world machine speed...

    On my iBook, I got: 626.3 MIPS 1.3 BIPS
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    iPod Firmware 1.2?

    From what I understand, Apple has built remote-capabilities into all iPods. The headphone jack supports digital communication in addition to audio. In other words, you'll plug the remote into your mini-plug jack and plug your headphones into the remote... it's a special kind of digital...
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    what do you do with your mac?

    Hey Ronnie, out of curiosity, what kind of software/hardware to you utilize in your recording studio?
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    iBook 700 LOUD fan & very hot

    Alright, thanks for the advice. I do believe I'll have this taken care of as soon as I can afford to be without my computer for a while. Matt
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    Chimera > iWeb

    I have no desire for an 'integrated' browser... the thought makes me shudder with disgust.
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    Chimera > iWeb

    That's a great point fryke. Consistency should be embraced when it comes to something like a web-browser, especially if Apple aims to get users to migrate comfortably to the platform. A drastic change in form would be interesting, but I agree with you that it wouldn't be better for the user in...
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    iBook 700 LOUD fan & very hot

    My new 700 Mhz. iBook does the same thing. I figured it was standard, but it is quite loud. I'm not sure if it's worth complaining about... let me know what happens with yours. matt
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    Chimera > iWeb

    I feel that Apple would be using bad form if it took a web browser and made it an iApp. I mean, when I think of what makes something an iApp, it is that edge that every other similar product lacks. iTunes and iMovie are classic examples of applications that are completely revolutionary, and I...
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    iBook VGA-out support

    As the proud owner of a 12" 2002 iBook, I absolutely love the gorgeous display. Even at 1024x768, I find that I have enough room to do most things. Lately, however, I've been doing more graphical work and would enjoy being able to connect to a 19" CRT and work at a higher resolution, yet it is...
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    Is RealOne for OS X spyware?

    When I saw this same concern mirrored on another thread, I thought it necessary to bring to the forefront... When I heard about RealOne being made available for our favorite state-of-the-art OS, I was pretty happy (I'm sick of having to load classic whenever I want to check out music in .rm...
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    important iTunes install info

    The process 'ElDiabloConCaca' is describing is called "compression", where the volume dynamics of a particular audio source are suppressed, and the peak volume is then typically raised to the point where the volume peaks used to be. iTunes, however, is only normalizing the audio files. I don't...
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    Picture of you iPod Set Up

    I also like the desk mounting thing, it'd be cool to have one like it. It looks like you have an iRock mounted on your dashboard... how is the audio quality? I personally have been looking for a mobile solution for getting my iPod to connect to my Pioneer CD player, and I'm reluctant to...
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    Unix resources for beginners?

    Thanks for some good suggestions! I think I might check out the "OS X Unleashed" book that tk4two1 mentioned, but I'm also definitely going to start frequenting the how-to forum. Hopefully this thread will continue to grow so that others wishing to learn more about the power of Unix will have...
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    Unix resources for beginners?

    Hi, I'm new to the Unix side of things, but now that I'm 100% OS X, I'm extremely interested in finding out what kind of things I can play with under the hood. It sounds like there's some really exciting possiblities with what Apple has done with this operating system, but I feel really out of...
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    Survey: Firewire HD & OS X - answer even if it works for you!

    I often copy large files to my iPod without any problem. See my system specs below in the signature.