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  1. potter__

    Panther Features, what have you found?

    Why yes, yes it does... but what it does is when you push the % button in the advanced mode, it changes the number you entered into a decimal ie: I type in 100 X 50 % = It says 100 X .5 =
  2. potter__

    Panther Features, what have you found?

    Also, there are new speakable commands such as "Phone number for *****" and their number shows up on the screen as if you clicked it in address book. You can also say things like "Send this to *****" and it emails, "Chat with ****" anyway, you get the point
  3. potter__

    Panther Features, what have you found?

    For all those designers out there. Panther has a new menubar tool for 'Ink' as well as the new Typography extra in the Fonts>Extra Panel. It allows all the opentype characters, and glyf specific modifications. There are more Menubar tools but I just figure that will be the most popular new one...
  4. potter__

    What is a Mask? (photshop)

    Sorry to only post now in mid may but I just found your post... I figure since you want to learn about masking you might like this... There is a button on the bottom of the layers pallette that is a dark grey box with a light grey circle in it... this is the layer mask tool. When you have...
  5. potter__

    Post your desktop!

    which part Acidtuch? the theme? I used a package from , I have been looking for a replacement for aqua and this is the best one I have found... I have modified the icons again to go with a different look but I have kept the theme. I have gone all Feng Shue. If you...
  6. potter__

    Post your desktop!

    finally got my new laptop desktop set up after my seasonal re-format... now onto my main computer tomm. enjoy
  7. potter__

    Open thoughts on the progress of Quark and InDesign

    When You are exporting to pdf format, there is a dropdown menu which allows you to choose level 1, 2, and 3. I am using a Lexmark Optra C, one on the oldest if not the first colour lazer printer designed for offices. I have thrown PDF's left and right at it and it handles it quite nicely (other...
  8. potter__

    Small Annoyance

    Once the file has stoped downloading it renames it.
  9. potter__

    Open thoughts on the progress of Quark and InDesign

    But what is going to happen when they buy a new mac and it doesn't boot in OS 9? They will either have to switch to Quark 6 or InDesign, and by then, they will have to rush to get to know the other app. It happened to me, Quark 4 wouldn't work one night and I had to have something done in a...
  10. potter__

    Small Annoyance

    I found the same thing whentoo but I also found it auto renaming after it finished, have you till it finished to see what it says?
  11. potter__

    Open thoughts on the progress of Quark and InDesign

    Just o let yo in on a secre, I have used a copy of he Quark 6. It is crap. Tanks for the ignorance comment. The amount of stuff that they haven't fixed, the speed of the program and the fact that the prgram is 6 months delayed and you can't even push Command-Shift-S without crashing the program...
  12. potter__

    Post your desktop!

    I am using Apple remote desktop to view my ibook, I have it set-up so I can control either one of my computers from the other one anywhere I have network connection. (Mainly, in my appartment or in my roomates room) But my next step is to make it controllable form online... If anybodies got any...
  13. potter__

    The Sims CD

    I am not saying use this but there are cracks out there you can get which make the game playable without the cd. Unfortunatly I don't know where to find that specific one.
  14. potter__

    Open thoughts on the progress of Quark and InDesign

    I want to see where people are and what they think of Quark and InDesign. Horror stories, cool stories, tips, hints. EVERYTHING! If you want to bash one of them, go ahead but please no rambling for posts and posts about the same subject. Thoughts can be anything from, usage of an app to where...
  15. potter__

    Apples Laptop Repair

    LOL. I have had 2 laptops breakdown twice. Each time was the logic board. One is in the shop right now. But through all the problems and complications, apple has replaced everything. Now if only they would keep working... BUT I STILL LOVE APPLE. It's just those damb assemble lines that kill me.
  16. potter__

    What size monitor are you using for X?

    12" iBook @ 1024 X 768 17" CRT Trinitron on G4 1600 X 1200
  17. potter__

    Post your desktop!

    Running; iBook 700 w/128MB with webdesign and multimedia to soundsticks and iSub, All controlled accross the room by my 466 G4 w/640MB running adobe's production software, Maya, quark microsoft suite and video player... soory, you can't see my main comps desktop but if your interested, I can...
  18. potter__

    New Fonts?

    I have done this which might be a good thing for you to try Toast. Next time you install or if you choose to re-install you operating system, click customize and go through the list of extra things in which to install. There you will find your japanese fonts. unclick those and it will not...
  19. potter__

    fonts for Mac Os X

    @nd thing about opentype, They are supported by all apps. But ID is the only one that supports all it's benifits. When you send a file to a printhouse, you must collect for output, or run the file through preflight or an application similar.
  20. potter__

    New Fonts?

    Logicman, Depending of how many typefaces you are putting onto your system, you may want to look into a font managing software, with about 100-150 and up, I would recommend suitcase 10.2 it is what I am using right now and I am currently sitting at around 2500 faces not including OpenType and...