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  1. R

    Virtual PC on the cheap...

    why do you need to emulate windows to open a few academic text files? There should be some software that supports whatever format it is natively under os X... As for virual pc I can't give you any real suggestions as if all you are doing is text files you don't need it, you need to be...
  2. R word association!

    ok lets take it from penguin to simplify things... iceberg
  3. R

    Airport screwing with my head

    I know this may be a stupid question but do you just have the two wireless cards or do you have a wireless router as well?
  4. R word association!

    charity (change jars)
  5. R

    Ti PB for a CS student?

    Ok well then I guess I will have to lug a desktop with me to college in addition to my powerbook. Looks like my grandparents will pay for the windows machine and I will have to use my savings to pay for the TiPB. I know this is getting a little off topic and doesn't really belong in the OS X...
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    Ti PB for a CS student?

    Is there any way to do visual c++ stuff on a mac? I have no idea what exact classes I will be taking so I don't know if visualy c++ would ever be a possible requirement... Also, are there any c# programming tools on the mac? I really don't want to ever use c#, I like java a lot better but...
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    I dont' want to scare anyone but...

    I am not sure on this but I have a friend whos really into yatta (don't ask me why) and he said that it ment happyness or something like that. Could be wrong though.
  8. R

    C(++) Compiler

    Jaguar aparently comes with gcc which will work with c/c++ and java. You can find out more info at At school (high school) we use codewarrior learning edition which I find fine but as you stated its not made for big projects. I too would be interested to see what tools...
  9. R

    Ti PB for a CS student?

    Thanks for the info reichmac. Yeah, I know about the size of the discounts but I want the top of the line model when I enter college(a year from now). I am guessing that at least 2 revisions to the pb will happen in that time. Any more input would be extreamly appreciated.
  10. R

    Ti PB for a CS student?

    Ok I hope this is the right forum, I dont' think this is really a hardware question... I am a windows user entering my senior year of high school right now and college is on my mind a lot. I have a friend who has a ti powerbook and I love how it looks and I love osx. I am just wondering if...
  11. R

    Powerbook Revision?

    I would guess it to be an external one, I doubt that he would have a newer model than apple has announced as that would allow for a ton of leeks from his crews etc...
  12. R

    Please help with keychains

    so did you give it a password to begin with and now its not working or you didn't give it any password. Maybe try pusing enter with a blank field or check to see if you are typing your pass in without the right capitalization.
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    Brand new to java

    for a great java site with a nice set of forums that are java related check out The people there are friendly and have always been able to solve my problems.
  14. R

    to all complaining about paying for upgrades too often

    Just make sure that you only sign up for adc if you meet the requirements, if enough people rip them off they will just get rid of the program.
  15. R

    Please help with keychains

    umm maybe captalization is the problem? I don't use keychains so I don't know if it is case sensative.
  16. R

    Will your next Mac have this?

    alienware == junk! I currently own one and would never buy from them again.
  17. R

    Tilt Handel for Powerbook Anyone use one of these? Is the instalation as easy and non damaging as they say? Is it easily removed and is it sturdy?