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  1. CloudNine

    Lunatic Fringe

    Aw man, I remember Lunatic Fringe. Maelstrom and Astrax may be still around, same type of uber'addictive asteroids game and perhaps still playable standalone. People out there are feelin' ya though...
  2. CloudNine

    3D Finder!

    Didn't Apple have some sorta' short-lived side project called Project X or something that started experimenting with a 3D Finder meta content environments back in 7.x?
  3. CloudNine

    Earthlink Dsl Users, Help! Is this what you were looking at before?
  4. CloudNine

    SERIOUS!!! I need input.

    I'm no expert... *shrug* I only know about the nature of addiction through amateur psychology and physical study, literature and film that dramatize clinical extremes, and a distant uncle or two that has a history of substance abuse. What I do know is that addiction is a very complex...
  5. CloudNine

    Wow! This Is Great! ! ! !

  6. CloudNine

    I'm lonely and bored, any female macers out there?

    Dude, Herve, but what's the blue thing on the Mac? The thing that looks like a musical note or something. Is it wearing an orange beret to? What's goin on there... Heh, girls of calendar, I get the feeling it'd be April in my house all year 'round.
  7. CloudNine

    curses on the snowgods

    Yeh we've got snow over here in the NW to. Yesterday was kinda' bizarre, in the morning there'd be light flurries and the next minute a raging blizzard that obstructed my view of the street. In the afternoon some scattered flurries with periods were there'd be a break in the clouds so the sun...
  8. CloudNine

    I'm lonely and bored, any female macers out there?

    HahahahahaHAHAHAHAHahahhhhh... *wipes brow* Omigod, that was f'n brilliant.
  9. CloudNine

    Why the AOL and Netscape hating?

    People have a variety of qualms with AOL, directly and indirectly. The 'fake internet' paradigm is one given to AOL because it is sometimes seen as a large corporation's version of the world wide web, open to censorship, solicitation, with a candy-coating that, uhh, melts in your mouth but not...
  10. CloudNine

    The "post a picture" thread

    This picture is from late in 1982 when I was running drills on a leased Spanish freighter we ended up rechristianing the Bruto Fuerza... Assigned to Echo Platoon at the time, we were tasked with interdicting seaborne traffic entering the Golfo de Penas on the Chilean coast. Supposedly an...
  11. CloudNine

    The "post a picture" thread

    This recently declassified photo, taken near Rachel, Nevada, sometime in the late seventies, shows either the experimental crossbreeding of sheep and poodles, or some sort of tame wildlife specimen from a distant world among the stars. Analysts have positively verified that the body of water...
  12. CloudNine

    Virtual Desktops...what do you want?

    I played around with a program called Virtual under 8.x and 9.x, what it had was a floating, repositionable window with a two by two screen representation of the virtual space...
  13. CloudNine

    Major Changes Coming...

    I say we hold off with the unveiling of the new design until the 6th, and debut it as a special Cloud's Birthday edition...
  14. CloudNine

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Theres simply no doubt about it, Mac women are a top-class breed...
  15. CloudNine

    Before you post about what happened to the boards!

    It was all quite, elementary, my dear Admin...
  16. CloudNine

    How many Mac's have you had in your lifetime? (Home only + parent's machines)

    - Power Macintosh 6100/60 - Power Macintosh 9600/350 Yes yes, I am a young breed...
  17. CloudNine

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    My contribution to the "Men Of MacOS X" calendar... Opal, the best pah'doodie in the world... And here is what I see when I force-restart... (Yeh I'm still using 9.x)
  18. CloudNine

    Before you post about what happened to the boards!

    Keep in mind that a number of different domain names can point to the same physical machine... DNS DNS They aren't mirrored sites per se, they're actually the same site, and therefore no routing speed differences.