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  1. malexgreen

    The PC Strikes Back

    Looks like Intel is finally playing on the same marketing field as Apple. Below is a similar "switch" type of marketing campaign being done by Intel:
  2. malexgreen

    Powerbook Versus This!

    PC-based notebooks that use the desktop version of the Pentium4 are junk, so says Sony, and Intel.
  3. malexgreen

    Ghost Recon on a PowerBookG4 800MHz with Virtual PC for Windows XP?

    Anybody play Ghost Recon (PC version) on the top-end PowerBook G4 800MHz? If so, did it play or was it slow and crappy? Thanks. :confused:
  4. malexgreen


    Word to the wise about PC-based notebooks: If it doesn't have a Pentium4-M or Pentium III-M, then you are actually buying a piece-o-crap notebook. Some PC manufacturers, in a rush to be be first out with high-speed notebooks, took desktop Pentium 4 CPU's and chip-sets, and plopped them into a...
  5. malexgreen

    What Apple should do to increase market share.

    Apple should make aggressive moves into corporate IT accounts. It should provide package deals for coporate buyers who are willing to buy their PowerMacs, Powerbooks, and XServe units in sizeable volumes. They should price/position/advertise these to beat the prices of PC-based manufacturers...
  6. malexgreen

    Test your real-world machine speed...

    Well the Apple web page says that the top-of-the-line PowerMac and Powerbook outperform comparable Pentium4 machines on Adobe by 33-60%. So I'm wondering if there are any other benchmarks that are run?
  7. malexgreen

    Test your real-world machine speed...

    Just wondering. Is there a PC version of this benchmarking program? Where can I go to see how a Apple benchmarks against a comparable PC? I'm thinking of buying a Mac, but want a little more data first. Thanks. :)
  8. malexgreen

    apache on 10.2 problems

    Are there any third-party GUI-based apps to make configuring these services easy??? If not, I'm pretty good with tcsh/bash/csh.
  9. malexgreen

    apache on 10.2 problems

    I'm thinking about buying a Powerbook to replace my Linux server and PC (running XP-Pro) so that I can have 1 computer that serves my webpages and runs my sendmail server. Does the non-server version of MACOSX (10.2) come with the standard UNIX internet services programs installed? If so, is...