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  1. jomaan

    OsX Still damage OS 9

    OS X Still damage Os 9..... Yes when I started classic in Os X (10.0.4) it ask me to upgrade some parts of OS 9, ok thats fine classic enviroment works well.... but I need to restart in Classic to perform some installers that woudn't run in classic under OS X, well my surprise appears when I...
  2. jomaan

    Auto Boot im OS X 10.0.4

    Anyone Knows if with MacOs X 10.0.4 Can I configure it to AutoBoot the machine at certain hour ???? With OS 9 it's so easy this option appears in a control panel.... May be I need to use a third party app???? thx Main System: G4/450 512 Mb RAM 3 HD--->20Gb/4Gb/2Gb OSx Mounted on 4Gb...
  3. jomaan

    AutoStart up and DVD

    You know the existance of a app or control panel that makes OS X (10.0.4) boot at certain hour? thanks in advance
  4. jomaan

    AutoStart up and DVD

    I supose you would say that "I can't play DVD yet" thats right?
  5. jomaan

    AutoStart up and DVD

    I tried yet this trick, but no results aparently. Some time the computer startup whit OS 9 and somtimes not start, then when I stratup Os X is being loaded. Any Idea, like third party app or control panel for OS X? ---------------------------- G4/450 512Ram 2930SCSI Card, 2 internal HD...
  6. jomaan

    AutoStart up and DVD

    Hello people! How can I configure OS X (10.0.4) to start up at certain hour??? whit Os 9.1 and olders is simple Control Panels/Energy Economizer. Can I play DVD on OS X?? Many THX
  7. jomaan


    Ok, that's good news, I hope so that version of Maya works like in SGI (obiously G4 one or two processors only), real time render, work with textures in Real Time, Artisan, etc, etc, and etc... thx
  8. jomaan


    Ok Anyone doesn't knows when Maya will be ready, thats right?
  9. jomaan


    Wheres is this incredible, amazing, wonderfull, app?? anyone know when Alias will lunch it?? thx
  10. jomaan

    Mac Os X 10.0.1 update

    sure? well I download and try it. man THX
  11. jomaan

    Mac Os X 10.0.1 update

    Ok I'll contact with a freind who works in AppleCenter, just wait....
  12. jomaan

    Mac Os X 10.0.1 update

    I heared in AppleCenter repair service. I'm not a experienced user of MacOs X, I'm just begin, this is the reason that I can't verify this supposed security "hole". Anyway can you explain the benfits of this update?? many thx Jomaan --------------------- PM G4/450 512 Mb Ram 3 HDs...
  13. jomaan

    Mac Os X 10.0.1 update

    I heared, this update is full of problems... this update opens the security backdoor of Os X,... is that true? Well then, I need to update to Os X 10.0.1 or not? many thx
  14. jomaan

    MacOs X and 2906 scsi card

    OK malcolmx I'll try a physical terminator, then I'll post a message telling if it works.....
  15. jomaan

    MacOs X and 2906 scsi card

    I'm Running a PM G4/450 with a scsi 2930 and works fine with betas of OS X, mac sleeps perfect, but I can't tryed a final version of Os X yet. When I test I'll post a resume of problems with this cards.
  16. jomaan

    MacOs X and 2906 scsi card

    Hello people!! I'm new in OsX use, and Have a question.... Exist any driver to use Adaptec 2906 scsi card with OS X? or OS X auto recognizes the card?? many thx