Search results

  1. D

    Cool Mac OS X shell scripts?

    um, versus, what? Yeah, my signature describes one facet of my professional life. :-)
  2. D

    checking battery from terminal

    It's not exactly what you want, but check the man page for pmset -- what you seek (a cool idea) is somewhere down that path, I expect. :-)
  3. D

    Cool Mac OS X shell scripts?

    I'm seeking some way cool shell scripts that are specifically for Mac OS X. Anyone have one to nominate? And/or one they'd like to see? Thanks!!
  4. D

    Permanently enabling "Check Spelling As You Type" in Safari?

    I really like the "check spelling as you type" feature in Safari since I spend a lot of time typing into text input boxes (like this one!). Anyone know if there's a way to permanently enable this rather than having to select it each time? For that matter, is there any way to access the OSX...
  5. D

    Keyboard Shortcuts for Safari ...?

    You bet. That's off the mystery Debug menu in Safari, which you can enable by copying and pasting the following snippet into a terminal window:defaults write IncludeDebugMenu '<true/>' It changes a default configuration so you only have to do it once, then quit and restart...
  6. D

    Keyboard Shortcuts for Safari ...?

    Check this out: file:///Applications/ :-)
  7. D home button? and...

    My two cents: I've been using Safari for a few hours too, and it rocks! I'm very impressed. I only had one weirdness when I had disabled popups (yay!), quit, and then started up again. Safari didn't want to open ANY windows, even a new main window from the File menu. Re-enabled popups and all...
  8. D

    3 and a half questions

    Note that there's a bit of a glitch with locate.updatedb: when it runs from the root cron job, it actually runs as user 'nobody', but if you do it by hand, I bet you did 'sudo /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb'. The difference is that running as root means it indexes EVERY file, even those that you...
  9. D

    crontab interval: every x minutes?

    You can also just do: 1,31 * * * * or similar, but, theoretically, the interval you're specifying should work. See the crontab(5) man page for details.
  10. D

    [HOWTO] Find disk usage by file type

    find / -type f -name "*.mp3" -ls | awk '{ sum += $7 } END { print "total size: " sum }' This exploits the -ls output of find and lets us sidestep the problem of worrying about filenames with spaces: field seven is the size of the file in bytes, and the awk snippet sums up all the matching...
  11. D

    weird csh problem

    The only reason that you're not getting what you want is that you haven't quoted the $< value. Try this: #!/bin/csh echo -n "Enter a few words: " set input1=$< echo -n "and a few more words: " set input2="$<" echo "First input = $input1" echo "Second input = $input2" exit 0 :-)
  12. D

    Group Calendar app in OSX?

    and your email address / web site? :-)
  13. D

    Group Calendar app in OSX?

    Excellent suggestion! I just checked out their product line and it looks like it could be a definite winner. I'm still curious about the groupware capabilities of iCal, though, since iCal definitely wins in the "cool appearance" category!
  14. D

    Group Calendar app in OSX?

    I'm working with a non-profit foundation and they've amazingly seen the light and are all running Mac OS X. They've asked me if I know of any group calendar application for MacOS and after having poked around, all I can find is iCal, yet I've also read that the group calendar features aren't yet...
  15. D

    Purge old files?

    Actually, I'd approach it this way: cd to the path you want, then... find . -mtime +14 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f This would find all files that hadn't been accessed in more than 14 days, then feed the filename list, en masse, to xargs, which clumps 'em and lets rm go at it. This is...
  16. D

    GNOME on OSX?

    So not to sound cranky, but does anyone have any information about running GNOME 2.0 within the Jaguar environment? I imagine there's a group of folk porting/testing... any suggestions on how to find 'em? Thanks!!
  17. D

    GNOME on OSX?

    Glad to know that, but I am particularly interested in the 2.0 release of GNOME... :-)
  18. D

    GNOME on OSX?

    I have a pretty solid X window server running on my Jaguar systems (Tenon's Xtools, a beta Jag-compatible release) and would really - really - like to be able to run GNOME 2.0 within that environment. I'm interested in OpenOffice too, but, alas, don't have the time / bandwidth to help debug the...
  19. D

    Stupid question about *nix apps compatibility

    Dude, you don't need to use netstumbler. Try MacStumbler instead! btw, if there are other wardriving utils for Mac, I'd like to hear about 'em. Just for academic interest, of course. ;)
  20. D

    Mass rename files...?

    Try this: #!/bin/sh for filename in *.gif do newfname="`echo $filename | sed 's/.gif/.jpg/'`" echo "renaming $filename to $newfname" mv $filename $newfname done exit 0 There's more we can do with this, but this'll suffice for now, I hope. :-)