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  1. Z

    Query for OSX Guru: Setting hostname

    Hello, The documentation says that OSX will do a reverse-lookup for its IP address to set it's hostname. Or, if you want, you can manually set it with hostname -s <hostname>. Note, however, that this latter must be done at every boot to override the default behavior. My question: I have...
  2. Z

    Need feedback on this..

    Hi, I think there's been a trend in design for some time now away from frames. There are some reasons for this. The first is that the look of frames, if you don't explicitly do some color-setting and width-setting of said frames make a page look dated. Another reason is that it makes...
  3. Z

    Can Apple ever make up for the big mistake?

    Would it be fair to say that this is what has happened so far?: --- one dude: OSX is powerful, but something is wrong with the GUI. other dudes: But man, OSX is *powerful*! one dude: Right, but, something is wrong with the GUI. other dudes: I like the GUI! Man, OSX is powerful...
  4. Z

    When Apple Tech Support doesn't support...

    I just wanted to make a tiny clarification, in case I was misunderstood. I do not at all mean to suggest that customer attitude in general is *the*, or even *a*, problem. I also do not mean to imply that customer attitude is responsible or blameworthy when Apple Care does not respond in a...
  5. Z

    Oh so very very nice to be a student...

    Hi Admiral, Didn't know you were so close. We should catch a Hrvatski gig together sometime! (Hrvatski: local electronica/experimental music hero, and solo TiBook performer -- -0
  6. Z

    A job well done at Apple Care

    Hi, My TiBook was broken: the base side of the clever latching mechanism had chipped off, causing my PowerBook to open randomly, and never stay close, effectively defeating my use of the cool close-to-sleep feature. On Saturday, February 23, I called Apple Care and alerted them to the...
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    When Apple Tech Support doesn't support...

    Hi, I'm glad Vipr said that. I have another thing to add, sort of on the opposite side. Today, I found out that my own case at Apple Customer Support was handled *fantastically* -- I told them of my problem, the next day I had a box overnighted to me, and the next day I sent it, and *the...
  8. Z

    What's the best audio editing software for OS X

    Hi, There is an immense world of audio software that is sometimes hard to find. So here, I will give a short list of beginnings of paths to that software. Some of it is for MacOSX, some of it is for Unix and can be and has been compiled for OSX, and some of it is currently MacOSX specific...
  9. Z

    Robust, Non-Incremental, One-Time, Perfect Backup

    Hi Gen, That sounds cool. You should post it here! You know what I would be interested in, is working with your or others on greating a nice graphical front-end for a tool like your script. An opensource project for people like us. Well, it's just a thought, but, I think a good one. -0
  10. Z

    AirPort Card--Networking with PCs

    Hello, Just thought I would share a potential issue. The instructions for wireless access points are *heavily* geared towards the configuration screens you would get with a PC wireless access card. The most vivid example is that many instructions for WAPs tell you how to set up a secure WAP...
  11. Z

    Robust, Non-Incremental, One-Time, Perfect Backup

    Thanks alex. I read the hfspax documentation, and that, combined with your explanation, means something concrete to me. So I'll reiterate, to make sure I understand (feel free to not reply, this is for my, and possibly others', benefit). The HFS+ filesystem is unique, or almost unique, in...
  12. Z

    Robust, Non-Incremental, One-Time, Perfect Backup

    Hello, Thanks for the input. I come from the PC/Unix world, and was not aware that 'tar would trash resource forks.' So now I have a question. I looked up the spec of HFS+, and I do understand what data forks and resource forks *are*. But why would tar trash them? Doesn't tar in some...
  13. Z

    Robust, Non-Incremental, One-Time, Perfect Backup

    I wonder if the following command might work better: % dd if=/dev/disk0s5 | gzip -9 - >diskimage.gz What do you think? -0
  14. Z

    Robust, Non-Incremental, One-Time, Perfect Backup

    I note that I expect the following: If I were to use this gzip to recreate a harddrive, then the chances are very high that my aliases and dock references would be broken when starting from this drive, and would all have to be recreated. I think I could live with that. How to avoid...
  15. Z

    Robust, Non-Incremental, One-Time, Perfect Backup

    Hello, I want to ask the opinion of some Mac OSX/Unix adepts or gurus. I want to create a one-time, non-incremental but perfect backup of my single hard drive in my TiBook. I have a firewire 80 Gig Maxtor drive. This is what I did: Terminal $ su root $ cd /Volumes/Maxtor $ mkdir...
  16. Z

    10.1.3 now avalable via software update

    Well, 10.1.3 is *exactly* what I would expect from a third sub-point update -- it's solid, it's benign, and it shows some improvements. I'm eager to retest my Kodak camera. I *seem* to notice an upgrade in window resizing (my cruel benchmark is to rapidly resize my IE windows with lots of...
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    Curious semi-technical question about a Mac Feature

    And if like in X-windows, there are special files somewhere on my drive that Mac OSX uses for dock image references, or if there's a resource file that is used for the same, could someone point me to it so I could learn the features of that file/resource? Rock on. -0
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    Curious semi-technical question about a Mac Feature

    You know one thing that is very impressive about Macs, for someone coming from a PC world? It's that, when you make an alias, or a dock image of an application, you can *move the folder that the application is in without breaking the alias or dock image*. I think that's amazing. So could...
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    I'm sorry

    What is going on?? The last post was on-topic. I need something to drink... ;-)