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  1. G

    Will my computer work with Quartz Extreme?

    Now that Jaguar is finalized, does anyone know if this machine will work: PowerBook G4 Revision 2, Radeon Mobility 16 MB VRAM I know, the Apple website said "any Radeon", but does this include the Radeon Mobility that was included with my machine?
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    Read this CNET article! Analyst: Apple to lie down with Intel By Michael Kanellos Staff Writer, CNET August 2, 2002, 2:34 PM PT Apple Computer will likely shift to using Intel chips, while circumstances exist that could well push Dell Computer...
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    No OS X in Austin Powers

    It's funny, because that monkey clip he showed on the computer is actually a clip that I downloaded from hotline a few years ago.
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    What is this "toned down" aqua interface?

    So, BBenve, as a 10.2 user, would you say Jaguar is as fast as OS9 (or at least close?)
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    What is this "toned down" aqua interface?

    I keep reading that Jaguar has a "toned down" version of aqua. Is this true? If so, where in the GUI is it true (I don't see it in the screen shots). And also, does this toned down version make the OS faster (besides the general speed gains of a new version and QE)?
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    what does this mean?

    well it showed that 10.2 beat 10.1 even without QE, so 10.2 is faster anyways.
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    what does this mean? they compare mac os x 10.1 to mac os x 10.2 to quartz extreme...can you have 10.2 w/o QE?
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    Anyone at Macworld testing out 10.2?

    What is scrolling like in IE? Fast? Like OS9?
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    Anyone at Macworld testing out 10.2?

    For those of you at Macworld, has anybody had a chance to play with OSX10.2? Is it fast? Is it everything the hype promised?
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    important question

    sorry about that, I'm new.
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    important question

    OK, I know this belongs in the FAQs section, but that section won't allow me to post, so please excuse the off-topic nature of this question: Is there anyway to turn off menu-blinking in OSX (if you don't know what I'm talking about, it's when you select something in a menu, and it flashes once...
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    Will OSX ever be as fast as XP?

    good news regarding performance, thinksecret has commented on the latest build, and they report that speed is "excellent, astounding". Here, take a look: I think Jaguar will solve the performance issue. Thanks for everyone's input. I...
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    This Is The Best Idea

    nummiG4, how did you get that pic? Is it real? Can I make iTunes play movies. I'm surprised to see how many people disagree with me. But I have to mention a few things: 1. In my experiences on XP/ Pentium 3 700mhz, Windows Media player is not slow. It is just as fast as Quicktime and...
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    This Is The Best Idea

    Microsoft's Media Player: Windows Media Player What's it do? It plays movies, music, has all sorts of features, and has internet integration Apple has all of this, plus more, but in two separate programs: Quicktime and iTunes. Now for my idea: Combine them. Combine Quicktime and iTunes...
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    Will OSX ever be as fast as XP?

    I didn't really intend this to be a "how many frames per second can the eye see/brain comprehend" forum; but I guess if you want it that way I can't stop you.
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    Will OSX ever be as fast as XP?

    gibbs- the Windows XP UI was also made a little bit more "eye candyish", but it seemed not to slow. I truly think that Jaguar will finally put OSX where it should be speed-wise. I read some other forums of people using Jaguar and they said that the speed in Jaguar was greater than OS9. If...
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    PowerBook RAM question

    I have a PowerBook G4/550 (generation 2 of the PBG4), and I have old RAM from my old PowerBook G3/400 Lombard. Will this RAM work with my newer PowerBook?
  18. G

    Will OSX ever be as fast as XP?

    I'm no Windows, PC guy, but I use Windows XP quite a bit, and on my own computer I use OS X (10.1.5), and Windows XP is faster in pretty much every area. Mac: PowerBook G4 (550)/Radeon PC: Pentium 3 (700)/Geforce 2 That PC is in no way a superior machine to my Mac, but it sure runs its OS...