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  1. B

    SSH Public Key Problems

    You do NOT need ANY keys to login via ssh The keys allow you to login without a password. You need to get ssh working interactivley b4 trying any keys. Where is this directory ? your server or the hosting company ? /Users/steve/.ssh/id_dsa What was the command you used to generate your keys ?
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    SSH Public Key Problems

    I'm a little confused. Have you ever ssh into the server ? Do you have any kind of shell access ? If you have then ssh is running. Your authorized_keys file is corrupting your attemps. Remove your authorized_keys file and try to ssh into the server again. If that is successful then scp the...
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    SSH Public Key Problems

    can you ssh into the server ?
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    SSH Public Key Problems

    pwd will tell you where your home directory is. ftp might not be an option if the server is not configured for you to place things in your home directory. If you do have ssh access to the system which I assume you do because your tring to install ssh keys in your .ssh directory then use scp...
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    SSH Public Key Problems

    Look at your debugging output. "debug3: key_read: missing whitespace" Don't believe you can copy and past ssh keys. They don't format correctly. Try to scp or ftp the key.
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    test.php gives me a blank page

    1) You need to have apache compiled with php support. Usually done now days with modules. Verify the modules are loading in httpd.conf 2) You need to add this to your httpd.conf file - AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps Also helps...
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    Mac mini en1 dhcp IP address

    Intermittently I am getting a public dhcp address. This actually happens after the system is up for a period of time. How can I configure Airport to only get/renew an address from my Netgear wireless router ? I think the system is broadcasting for dhcp address. I tried to handle this via...
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    netgear network problem

    A scope in a dhcp server are its setting network netmask gw dns servers When you http into your netgear router Look at wireless settings security encryption wep key. That is your key to connect to the access point. Are you putting that in the airport settings.
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    ipfw question (filtering domains)

    I live around Chicago IL I experianced the same kind of attacts. So the solution was to come up with the big isp providers in the area. comcast sbc google, whois and find out there netblocks. That put a stop to these little buggers - descr: Beijing 100031 country...
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    FreeBSD Problem ...

    The boot only iso is about 34mb the full looks like it's 205mb. I have seen errors like this when installing on intel or amd. I would try burning the iso images again they sound like they might be corrupt. What are you using to burn the iso's ?
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    netgear network problem

    Sorry I missed your post above this. So your windows is getting network. Did you set the dhcp scope of this on your netgear router ? Mine came defaulted to use
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    netgear network problem

    Let slow down for a minute You have this working with a windoze box correct? If so go to the windoze box Start Run type in "cmd" and click OK This should open a dos dialog box. Type in "ipconfig /all" I want to verify your access point is giving you an IP Default gw dns servers Don't...
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    netgear network problem

    Boy wish I had more neighbors like you. I could get rid of this expensive Comcast cable modem and use theirs. Netgear settings Wireless settings SSID netgear Region united states Channel 11 Mode g and b Enable wireless AP Allow broadcast of name (ssid) Authentication type automatic...
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    FreeBSD Problem ...

    I have never loaded FreeBSD on anything other then intel or amd. What ISO are you truing to load with The bootonly or the full size cd
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    netgear network problem

    I guess you could call them passwords. 64bit or 128bit I would think guessing exactly 128 would be harder then 64
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    The netgear is running as a nat router. Your thinking is backwards. All internal systems behind the router nat or masquerade as the public IP of the netgear. All systems from the net to internal are there real addresses. How else could a firewall act as a firewall ? Found a lot of things...
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    No that's not true. The remote address is my public address at work. Hey, it worked. Added one thing to the ruleset /usr/libexec/ipfwloggerd Pulled the trigger(reboot) It came up fine. The main reason I wanted the firewall up were dictionary attacks that I could see in the log files. The...
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    Forgot to mention this mac-mini is behind a netgear router/firewall. I'm only forwarding port 22 on the router to my internal rfc1918 address. I did clean up the ruleset a little bit. Here is the content of MyFirewall #!/bin/sh ## # Network Aliases ## . /etc/rc.common StartService () {...
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    netgear network problem

    Just because your system sees the wireless dosn't mean you can connect to it. You said something about adding a "$" to your wep key. That dosen't sound correct to me at all. I don't allways trust the pretty GUI stuff. I go straight to the heart of things. Did ya ever try to stop a...
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    What's broken ? These are stock rules created by mac osx with the addition of allow 22 from a specific IP address and then deny from all others. No divert, no keep-state. Actually quite simple and elegant. Now if they could only port pf to mac osx I downloaded your link. Will give it the...