Search results

  1. whyre

    Need a tree diagrammer that's not OmniGraffle

    Perhaps freemind, the price is right, though I'm not sure if it will accomplish exactly what you need. Altough I will say is fits the bill for writing down ideas for just about any project. :)
  2. whyre

    How do you feel about Linux

    I agree whole-heartedly! I can't tell you the number of PCs I've given away to friends and family with Linux on it. A lot of them even the nicer P4s and AMD-XPs, the warranties had run out, and they were what I call 'Windows broken'. Windows wouldn't install, locked up, just made the machine...
  3. whyre

    Line wrapping in terminal

    Okay, did some more research on the whole ANSI escape sequences and here's what I found: UnixGuide So I've changed my .bash_profile to reflect these changes: GREEN="\[\e[0;32m\]" BLUE="\[\e[0;34m\]" PLAIN="\[\e[m\]" PS1="${GREEN}\u@\h ${BLUE}\W $ ${PLAIN}" alias ls='ls -GF' alias...
  4. whyre

    Line wrapping in terminal

    Argh, I'm now noticing this problem as well. I took off the bold portion of my prompt, and I still get wrap around, currentky, here's my current .bash_profile: GREEN="\e[0;32m" BLUE="\e[0;34m" PLAIN="\e[m" PS1="${GREEN}\u@\h ${BLUE}\W $ ${PLAIN}" alias ls='ls -GF' alias su='su -l'...
  5. whyre

    Desktop Grid Size

    Well I keep my game icons on my desktop, my dock is pretty full of my standard apps. Glad to see a petition for a good reason has been started :D. I'm curious if there would be any way to write a program that would override the grid option. I'll look into that...
  6. whyre

    Desktop Grid Size

    Running 10.3.5. Googled around a bit, and I see this question asked, but not answered. Is there any way, through any means at all, to change the grid size on the desktop in OS X 10.3.x? If I manually arrange my icons, I can easily fit several in between the spaces that are left when icons...
  7. whyre

    Change focus after sleep

    Hmm, yeah... tried command-tab again just for good measure, doesn't seem to work in either of these two games, even the command-option-escape force close combination won't bring me back to finder, looks like I just have to be more careful. :rolleyes:
  8. whyre

    Change focus after sleep

    I seem to have developed a nasty habit of letting my Powerbook G4 either run low on battery power or simply closing the top when in a game. This presents a problem, as I have enabled the setting to ask for authorization after waking from sleep. Seems that while the screen asking for...
  9. whyre

    Two types of iPod? PC and Mac?

    Well, it looks like I don't have to worry now. I just found out my wife bought me an iPod :D However, the information will be useful for any future purchases, thanks guys!
  10. whyre

    Two types of iPod? PC and Mac?

    Okay, I've never touched an iPod, so how would she go about finding if it's a 3rd gen or not? Something listed on it or a model number or something?
  11. whyre

    Two types of iPod? PC and Mac?

    An fellow co-worker is looking to sell her iPod, and I'm considering buying it, but said iPod was hooked up to a PC, and I recall that there was a different iPod for Mac and PC because of the HFS and FAT file system support. Curious if I would be able to use this on my Mac by formattting it or...
  12. whyre

    Buy now, or wait for Tiger...?

    Well... It's kind of a trade off. We'll both have the 15" PowerBook, only he's got 1.25G ram (so I hear) and I'll only have 512, but I'm getting an AirPort Express and a Bluetooth mouse so I still get points for the coolness factor :D
  13. whyre

    Bluetooth Wireless Apple Mouse

    Looking at some of the nice goodies apple has and the wireless mouse caught my eye. Wondering what those of you who have it (or have used it) think? I'm considering picking one up along with my Powerbook for those times when I use a mouse for gaming or other activties that the touchpad would...
  14. whyre

    Buy now, or wait for Tiger...?

    Oh noooo, I'm not waiting that long. Besides, there's always going to be the next big thing, particularly with technology. I'll should be getting it veeery soon now. :) (besides, my father just got one, and according to the rules of conspicuous consumption, I need to have one as well, and...
  15. whyre

    Buy now, or wait for Tiger...?

    Ahhh, exactly what I wanted to know, that is waaaay to long to wait.
  16. whyre

    Buy now, or wait for Tiger...?

    Well, I'm dreadfully close to having the funds to purchace my new PowerBook. However, with all the hoopla going on about tiger, I'm wondering if I should hold out and wait for it to be released and save myself $150, or is it really going to be a long ways off? What are the consequences to...
  17. whyre

    Need advise setting up partition

    I think it also depends on if they are counting the megabytes at 1000 bytes or 1024 bytes.
  18. whyre

    Powerbook 15 vs 17

    i guess then it's a matter of wanting the extra screen space, or using the money to deck out the 15" PowerBook. Hmmm... :confused: What to do...
  19. whyre

    Powerbook 15 vs 17

    Well, I'm hoping to get one. I am hoping I can get enough of a good argument from whatever I find here to justify the 17" to my wife. I already know I want a PowerBook - just for OS X; I've been reading about it since it came out, and I grew up on a Sun Sparc Station, and recently playing...
  20. whyre

    Powerbook 15 vs 17

    Salivating^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HLooking at the PowerBook G4 15 and 17 inch notebooks. Never had an Apple before, just a windows refugee whos been hiding amongst the Penguins. From what I can tell, the only difference between the two is the screen size (and therefore the resolution). What...