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  1. S

    What's the little, round, progress, spinny-thingy called?

    couldn't agree more. somewhere i read that some cocoa applications just had a "static" image of the chasing arrows and rotated that view instead of using the carbon implementation. (was too lazy to verify whether that's true.) sounds like a feasable workaround until we're given all the...
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    What's the little, round, progress, spinny-thingy called?

    they're known as "chasing arrows". and they're carbon.
  3. S

    Programing for Mac OS X

    ok, i have never ever used realbasic, so from your post i get an idea of what its autocompletion is like but have never seen it "in action". for objective-c this, of course, is another thing since you don't *have* to statically type your objects, but if you give pb enough of a hint, f5 will...
  4. S

    IB Icons, updating controls, etc

    hi, to answer a few of your questions: 3. before goint into the loop, use [yourProgressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:YES]; 4. what you're looking for is "initialFirstResponder" in ib. just connect your textfield to the window's outlet. 5. use selectItemAtIndex: hth
  5. S

    Menubar icons HOWTO

    "net monitor" does it, so it has to be possible... don't ask me whether they dynamically change the nsuielement at runtime, but they somehow do it. great app anyway, i have it in my statusbar, no dock icon, no nothing, just the network traffic.
  6. S

    What Kind of App are you working on?

    wow, in comparison to that, the stuff i'm doing is quite boring... i have some unfinished apps like everybody does, i guess and one that i'm playing with at the moment: "locator", a gui for os x's locate. introduced indexing removable media a while ago and finished a browser for them a few...
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    Menubar icons HOWTO

    ok, no idea about .menu, but making an app put a menu up there like netmonitor does is quite easy; nsstatusbar is what you're looking for then. there's a good example which you can find here:
  8. S

    command line->GUI?

    the best examples for this i've seen are these: but i guess any documentation for nstask will do; it's really quite easy. if you're not that...
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    NSMovieView causes crash

    thanks, whitesaint. unfortunately, i have tried all that before; it didn't work. as sender, i have tried nil, self and the view itself, though that really shouldn't matter from what i understand. somehow it has to do with the fact that quicktime needs time to initialize the movie for diplay...
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    NSMovieView causes crash

    Hi everybody, I'm having a problem with an NSMovieView. My App shows previews for files which are selected which works fine. The previews can either be images or movies, that's why I don't use a statically typed IBOutlet but id. The method that causes trouble is passed two arguments: the...