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  1. B

    colored terminal

    what was strange to me was, that ls should work with the --color option. didnt know os X ls doesnt. thanks
  2. B

    colored terminal

    hi is it possible to have a colored terminal in OS X like a color X-Term under X11 ? can only be some settings in a rc file, but what are they? thanks
  3. B

    Filesharing crashes Sysprefs 10.1

    ok, the menu thing is fixed. but filesharing still crashes Sysprefs :(
  4. B

    Filesharing crashes Sysprefs 10.1

    at least second an third works when i log in as ROOT instead of the default user.
  5. B

    Filesharing crashes Sysprefs 10.1

    when clicking on the FILESHARING symbol in the prefs panel, my mac says that the system quitted unexpectedly. also, when i right-click on the dock, and select Preferences, nothing happens. same when selecting Edit-menu in the keyboardlanguage menu. the second and third are...